Any backyard chicken owners?
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Beeskin
Anyone else here own chickens? If so, what breed/s do you have? Do you have a favorite chicken?
Feel free to share any chicken keeping experiences (: 🐓
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Hylia224
I had some! Sadly they have all passed but i had Light Brahmas and I had multiple favorites as they passed.
It was usually the runt so my first favorite was Peirry (pee-ree), she was half blind and she liked to be held
My next one was Ruby, and small, light chicken who was the runt after Peirry passed
Next was Spotty who, funny enough, was the last one. She ended up being more of a pet after the rest passed and she would literally hang out around us when we were outside, like a dog. And she'd announce her departure to bed, so we'd have to say goodnight if we were outside too at the time. We'd put her on our picnic table and she'd just hang out with us. Everybody we tell about Spotty is always like weirded out in a good way, but like confused, but I'm just like dude, she was the only chicken left, what else was she supposed to do? Be lonely?
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Beeskin
@Hylia224 Aw they sound so sweet! So sorry they all passed away. losing chickens is as sad as losing any pet. ❤️ 💕

I also have 2 Light Brahmas right now, one of them is Peep, a rooster. He is handicapped and lives in my room 🥰 He hatched with a twisted leg and we thought he wouldn’t survive but surprisingly he did! We let him in our other healthy chicks’ brooder box and by looking at them eat, he learned how to peck and eat himself! He moved around by hopping on his one leg. I loved making bracelets with him by my side! Sadly, a month later his tendon slipped (on his “good” leg), and I wasn’t able to fix it in time so now (he’s 5 months old) he uses a chicken “wheelchair” to eat and drink. I love him so much, his facial expressions are just priceless! The other Light Brahma we have is Peanut, she’s a hen and lives outside with our other chickens, but she’s one of my favorites! It’s funny because all our other chickens (smaller breeds) are always outside doing something while Peanut is inside the coop scarfing down as much food as she possibly can 😂 We can tell she’s gonna be way bigger lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by KK120308
Meeeeee! My favorite breed is Polishes or Silkies. My favorite chicken though is a Rhode Island Red/ Americauna mix and she loves people and loves being held but sounds so angry all the time. She’s also the only red chicken we have in my flock of 40*
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Beeskin
@KK120308 Aw she sounds so cute! How old is she? Also, Polish chickens seem rly cool! Never had any but we do have Appenzeller Spitzhaubens. (kinda resemble Polishes) And Silkies look so fluffy lol I wish I could get someee haha
1 year, 2 months ago by caroliney
i own chickens!! i’ve had them for about 4 years, 10 chickens and a rooster. my rooster is really shy although he is quite loud, especially in the morning 🥹 they have a really nice coop and we let them free range a lot 😃
1 year, 2 months ago by Jess_Mess
We have chickens…..
I don’t know if this is like unheard of but we have a rooster that legit cuddles with us?! Like if we sitting in our yard he just comes over and sits in our laps.
We also just had a chick hatch which is super exciting….there was another but sadly it didn’t make it through hatching…..the surviving on is thriving tho

Anyone got name suggestions
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by Beeskin
@Jess_Mess Aw your rooster sounds so cute! Our roosters aren’t that friendly 😂 haha but we have a hen that likes to cuddle with us like that. 🥰
I have a couple name suggestions! Maybe Peep, Pip or Nugget??
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by Beeskin
@Jess_Mess Also, Im sorry that one of them didn’t make it! It’s always sad when stuff like that happens ❤️‍🩹
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by 4741119
Meee! I have 14 of them, 5 buckeye, 1 golden comet, 2 americanas, 2 buff brahmas, 1 silver Wyandot rooster, & 2 golden comet/silver wyandot mixes!
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by Beeskin
@caroliney That’s really cool! We also let our chickens free range 😄
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by Beeskin
@4741119 That’s really cool (:
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by 4741119
Thanks 🙂
11 months, 4 weeks ago by lizp13
my friend has chickens
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
I had some a while back, we had to give them away cause we moved. Miss those girls :[ I’m not sure about the breeds, but we had an orange one, two grey ones with black speckles and one black one with white speckles. If you wanna give ur chickens a nice treat, buying some feeding crickets from a pet store and releasing them in the chickens enclosure will keep them busy for a good while, they go nuts for it lol.
Bracelet King
11 months, 2 weeks ago by KK120308
My 4th batch just hatched 😀