what was your dream
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by fishyknots
ok so I barely dream anymore but I actually had a dream last night! I dreamt someone was handing out free tuners and I got one and I was so happy 😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by ichika
I had a dream last night that was a mashup of minecraft, the netflix carmen sandiego show, and zelda botw/totk, with an alternate me as the main character 😂
It was a pretty interesting dream actually.
1 year, 3 months ago by Tikilishi
That is actually so funny and descriptive, I love that that was your dream haha. @ichika
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by tkd2010
i had a dream i was homeless and trying not to get caught bc i didn’t want to go to social services. so i was living in this warehouse for abt a day and found a little white kitten (who looks exactly like my cat when she was younger). and me and my cat lived off some walnuts and carrots we found in the warehouse. eventually a worker came in and we booked it out of there and we came across this small little farm and hid out there until a police officer found us. he inspected my cardboard box which contained a sheet, a tiny blanket, carrots, walnuts, and my kitten and made the conclusion i was homeless and that’s all i remember
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Hylia224
This is one I had when I was probably 6 or so and it traumatized me at the time. It's not THAT bad but uh slight TW for head-decapitation
So me, my mom, and my aunt were all on this weird space ship and there was this tour guide who was showing off an invention that made you lose weight on a blink.
So of course there was a plus-size lady (but it wasn't 100% human. Like it looked kinda Frankenstein-y) and so the tour guide put this being in the contraption (which kinda looked like those electric chair things) and switched it on. The being startled talking really fast as the electricity flowed through and she just kept talking faster and faster until her head popped off and rolled across the floor to where me, my mom, and my aunt were standing and the head's voice got lower and slower (at the time I could remember what it said, but I've forgotten now) and I just broke down and started sobbing and the space ship teleported us back to my house and I was just curled up in a ball on the floor, crying from fear.
TRAUMATIZED FOR MONTHS. I got my mom up that night of course and I couldn't even tell her the dream because it was terrifying at the time.
Sooooooo yeah.
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by KK120308
Me and my exes family walked through a school from michigan to alaska. Like it was a school the whole way.
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by KK120308
weirdest thing ever
Super Moderator
1 year, 3 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I had a dream that I had a pet French bulldog named Poptart and was dressed in a sparkly blue Evel Knievel costume 😄
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by fishyknots
I had a dream I was at this small cafe with some of my friends and then everyone I knew started walking in and taking seats
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Hylia224
Cher trapped me and my siblings in our local library
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Cow28
I love hearing about peoples dreams!

When i was in kindergarten i had a dream that my mom, me and some of my Kindergarten Classmates were in this forest and my mom was teaching us how to be safe “In the Woods”. Everyone kept walking, but I was left on a tree stump. I don’t Know why I couldn’t catch up with them but then, this tree that was in front of me morphed into a tree with a large creepy face and its mouth grew larger until it then ate me! 😂

I just realized while typing this out that Kindergarten has a t not a d.
Bracelet King
1 year, 2 months ago by tkd2010
i went to this strange extremely deep lake with one of my teachers and this boy who i know but i’m not close with so it was a random selection of people haha. well we got to the lake and there was a GIANT whataburger cup in the middle so graham (the boy i know) went and jumped into the cup and it started sinking after a few minutes and me and my teacher were freaking out and then my brother showed up and put scuba gear and searched for him in the lake but he couldn’t find him 😭