Halloween 🎃 or Christmas 🎄?
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Stmermaid1
The question is simple, which do you prefer? Halloween or Christmas? They are both festive times, around the end of the year, when the weather is getting colder.. or hotter, depending on which side of the globe you live.

I'll go first: for me the winner is clear, it has to be Christmas!

Snowball fights, evenings by the fire, decorating the christmas tree, sipping hot chocolate while rewatching Home Alone for the 10000th time, presents, family gatherings with all your loved ones: the list never ends! This year, I also didn't get to do anything for Halloween since I was coming back home from the airport, so I sadly missed out, but I'm not that sad because Christmas is on it's wayyyyyyy.

I'd love to know which holiday you prefer and the reasons why. ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Beeskin
I love Halloween…but I love Christmas a million times better! Halloween is definitely fun but Christmas isn’t just fun, it’s magical, too! I absolutely love Christmas music, decorating, Christmas movies like Home Alone and Elf (my favorites!), making cards and gifts for friends/family, baking cookies, going to holiday events…so many amazing things! So, my favorite is definitely Christmas, but as I said before, I still like Halloween, it’s just not as special (:
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Hylia224
Although I love Halloween (my excuse to wear costumes out in the world and not look ridiculous, considering most of my costumes have a sword or something) Christmas does have that weird anticipation all through November and December. Making gifts, giving gifts and seeing people's reactions, decorating, Christmas movies (Elf, a Christmas Story) and just the all-around feel of Christmas
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by ricorat
I like halloween more because I like getting candy lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by fishyknots
Christmas for sure! Halloween is really fun, but Christmas is even better. I LOVE seeing family and having a fun time with my cousins, and of course there's the giving and receiving. And Christmas songs are like my favorite genre ever, seriously. 😂 It's just really cozy vibes
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Stmermaid1
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Stmermaid1
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by fishyknots
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by shannonrae
Halloween 🎃 💯. Reason, it’s an original Holiday that hasn’t been turned into a Christian holiday. Nothing against any religion, I just prefer originality. Also love it more than any other Holiday due to the fact it’s less stressful, you can pretend to be someone else for a day and allows for creativity and it’s the least expensive holiday. Also, my dad made it a wonderful holiday for me growing up and he passed away in 2019, so it’s an extra special day for me to celebrate my father.
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Stmermaid1
@shannonrae Wow, that's the first good reason I've seen to prefer Halloween over Christmas. It's true, halloween is better for dressing up and being creative if that's something you're really passionate about. And you're 100% right, Halloween is way less expensive than Christmas for sure! But I have to disagree on one thing: I'd say that Christmas hasn't turned into a religious holiday, it was a religious holiday, but now it's really about Santa and presents lol, since I'm not religious in any way, but I love to celebrate Christmas even though it's origins are something I don't believe in.

Also, those earrings on your profile picture look REALLY cool. ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by kambri1224
I like Christmas because a) some of my church celebrates Halloween and some doesn’t so I don’t have to worry about discussing Christmas with anyone and b) my birthday is the day before Christmas so I get extra excited for the season
1 year ago by sillyideas
I like Christmas better because it celebrates the birth of my Savior. I know that it has pagan origins, but people have turned it into a Christian Holiday which is good right? Not necessarily though because you’re mixing two different religions and God says he will spit people who are Luke warm Christians out of his mouth. Halloween originally was to glorify Satan which I believe is horrible. people have changed it, but how did they change it exactly? Dressing up like witches and sorcerers does not seem to really have changed the focus of Halloween. If you want to change Halloween then don’t celebrate it. With gentleness, love, and respect I send message, l don’t want to offend anyone.
1 year ago by Tikilishi
The exact origins of Halloween aren't precisely known, but its origins were not originally to glorify satan (thankfully!) although, maybe for some people, it has possibly turned into that.

Halloween similarly to Christmas was also a borrowed pagan holiday from the Celtics, (Christmas was called Yule while Halloween was called Samhain) which was a holiday that marked the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter. On Samhain, it was believed that the veil between the living and the dead were very thin and when spirits walked the Earth. In many Latino cultures today, there is a parallel religious holiday called "Dia de los Muertos" and it's for celebrating and remembering loved ones. Dia de los Muertos is likely is an ancestor to the holiday Samhain in some way, possibly with each of them branching off from similar origins.

So, if people started celebrating Halloween to worship satan or as a means of celebrating evil, it happened as an evolution of Halloween, not as the origins of it.

Halloween is also largely a secular holiday now.

Just wanted to share this piece of information with you and with everyone in the thread so that the replies comparing the two holidays do continue! 🙂
12 months ago by PurpleRed
I love Halloween tbh. Christmas is great, but pumpkin flavoured everything, spooky movies, the decorations, cool costumes, also the nostalgia that the holiday brings. Halloween over Christmas for me :]