Write a note to your future self
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by emilyyy307
Write a note to yourself and tell me what date you want me to remind you about this. Keep it pg.
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by behappy8
(5/31/24) Hey, it’s his 16th birthday… if he’s moved try and get his address, you’re sneaking out tonight. I don’t care if it’s raining or sunny, or if you’re gonna get bitten by mosquitoes… it’s been a year since you broke your wrist, get back on that bike, bike to his place and give him a kiss… you both want it and you know he’s not gonna do it for you in the cold October air, you love him, he’s the one, y’all are gonna get married one day… but first he needs his birthday gift ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Yelena09
(3/14/24) Hi me. It's been a year since you got your Black Belt. Yay! But have you gotten your Certificate yet? How's it going with Sadie?
I know that last year was hard because he betrayed you, but you are stronger now, you are nearly fifteen and I'm so proud you made it here (:
I hope you gave him the what-for though, he deserves it.
How are Aiden and Landon? How's Tigger and Ace? Is Ace settling okay?
Just a friendly reminder to eat a good meal, drink some water, and message a friend <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Lava_Lav
12/6/28 hey me, when did you become an adult? Are you eveb alive? Have you published any books so far? How many? Are you still friend with [name]? Please say yes. I know you won't respond, but i don't care. I just hope you be better than who i am now. Kisses to your head. Be alright.
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by violasrule
hey, im currently about two months into freshman year, while you're done with it. i'm no longer friends with someone we were really good friends with because they didn't accept me... but are things reconciled?
how many other friends have you lost? everyone's changing in high school. right now i feel like i can't relate to anyone, really. it's like i have no similarities with anyone. hopefully things have changed.
did you ever change seats in bio? please tell me that you didn't have to sit by those two obnoxiously loud and stupid dudes for the rest of the year.
how's pole vault going? what was your PR for the season? did you work hard enough to be one of the best freshman the school has seen for pole vault? i hope so. i really hope so.
what about robotics? are you quitting like i want to right now (but cant bc its a class lolll)? maybe you're still forced to help with the summer camps... full circle moment to where this all started, i guess. that's cool... i suppose... but if you aren't continuing, what are you doing for your third elective? music theory?
what orchestra did you get into for next year? please tell me it was one of the two highest... being in the one i'm in this year was too easy. Which, did it stay that way? or was that just the beginning? was it okay in the end?
do you still have a bullet journal? are you still making bracelets? have you been to another cubing comp?
how's your Chinese? is your pronunciation better? right now i'm terrible at that. please tell me that whenever you see second tone you don't freak out. that would be great. because for some reason i do that right now.
please be happy this summer. take a break. right now im overworked with an ap class. taking ferocious notes. losing my mind. please relax. please. (but once the school year comes, continue to be a perfectionist and take ap classes, because if you dont, then that's a very large change that is honestly probably for the best but still)
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
Just so I don’t lose this thing since I need to remind people 😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Aussie_Izz
11/26/24 hello me! Are you still making bracelets? Are you still friends with O and L? What about guides do you still go and how many ppl in class moved to school with you? Oh and my residential is tomorrow! I hope it was Fun.
How many new friends have you made? What house are you in? How are the teachers, are there any nice guys? I know this would be weird for me to read back but I hope life is going well 🙂
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Penguins24
12/1/24 Hello Alyssa!! So you are 17 now wow!!! How is Finney? Were you junior Marshall? Are you taking Calc 2? What is the play this year? Did u get a good part? How was prom last year? (lol) hopefully you are still very crafty and happy! How have your friend groups changed? ANYWAY enjoy seiner year bestie ❤️❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Penguins24
I wonder if you remeber the people you liked when this was made…have fun trying to remember lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
@Penguins24 I can’t really tell if you’re talking to me or still writing the note to yourself but I put it in my calendar on my phone so I get a reminder whenever I need to remind someone 😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Penguins24
Sorry for the confusion, the second one was still supposed to be for future me
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by emilyyy307
@Penguins24 whoops haha
1 year, 2 months ago by caroliney
(05/18/24) hey there 😃 so by now you’ve finished your first year of high school. and you know what date this is. one year ago, you met L and that’s when it all started. as of right now , we aren’t talking. we barely even make eye contact. in fact we are currently doing no contact i think. and whenever i look at him it’s hard to not imagine when he would hold me and how much we told each other. so my question is - are you over him? like for good? did he leave the school? did you clear things up with your reputation? because everything seems crappy right now and i just want summer. oh oh and another question - is my skin finally completely clear? i’m sick of dealing with it so hopefully it’s gotten better. i hope me and my best friend are still close. and we’re going to florida together on spring break!!! lastly, have i made a fair share of bracelets? i want to have grown my collection by graduation time. 🤪
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
(1/15/25) hey, happy birthday! how’s it going? are you still friends with k? are we still friends but she’s changed? i hope so. how’s volleyball and powerlifting? did anything ever happen between you and r? are you still best friends with b & e? i rlly rlly hope so. how is j doing in college? did he get moved up to varsity yet? have you and mom gotten on better terms? well that’s pretty much it. take care of yourself (:
Bracelet King
1 year ago by fishyknots
(10/21/24) hi! was hersheypark so fun?? who did you end up going with? do you have a good friend group in band now? did you make friends with c? who are you sitting with at lunch this year, did it change? did you keep in touch with a and s, and have you seen them yet? how's math? are you in the same class as b and how does it work out? did you make any new friends? did we do more table tennis?!! please tell me you have a phone. how do you like your new glasses? how much has your prescription worsened? how was the retreat, and what became of j? i hope you're doing amazing.
1 year ago by sourapples
Hey me, what’s up? Did you ever get over T? I hope you did, bc I’m tired of thinking abt him. Have you worked things out with P, A, Br and Ba? Did you do any sports freshman year, or did you do percussion for all the games like you said you would? How did middle school end? Do we still make bracelets and be creative? Anyway, I hope you see this one day and realize how much you’ve grown
Bracelet King
1 year ago by emilyyy307
@sourapples what day would you like me to remind you?
1 year ago by sourapples
December 31st 2025 please and thank you 😊
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
charlemagne was the first holy roman emperor, byzantine means complicated, and justinian's code applied across the whole empire
Bracelet King
1 year ago by kpn
i have a quiz coming up