Calling all synesthetes!
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by dritten527
If you don’t know what synesthetes are, they are people with Synesthesia. “Synesthesia is is when you hear music, but you see shapes. Or you hear a word or a name and instantly see a color. Synesthesia is a fancy name for when you experience one of your senses through another. For example, you might hear the name "Alex" and see green. Or you might read the word "street" and taste citrus fruit.” (Definition from a website)

I have been seeing words/numbers/letters as colours for a while, but until I read the book A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass (recommended), I didn’t know about it.
If you think you might or do have Synesthesia, feel free to chat! I would love to hear people’s experiences!