tips for beginner runners? 🔥💪🏼
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
heyy! soo i want to start running. i’ve tried to start once but with my old workout routine, volleyball practice, and the amazing texas heat just didn’t work for me. now i have a different practice time and it’s cooling off. if you run regularly i’d appreciate some beginner tips!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
and just an fyi i’m in pretty good shape but i’m a pretty bad runner haha.
1 year, 6 months ago by xc2024
i run xc, honestly the biggest thing is consistency, like start of with 3 days a week with 2-3 miles each time depending on your running fitness and the heat. then progress SLOWLY by either adding a day or making one of the runs longer after a few weeks. also get good running shoes like go to a store. they wont be super cheap but its important to be nice to your body. also i find it easier to train for something, so maybe find a local race and then you can look up a training plan for that specific distance. honestly tho the 2 biggest things are being consistent and adding miles slowly. your running endurance adapts faster then your legs will so be careful with adding to much to avoid overuse injuries. if you have any questions just ask!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
@xc2024 wow tysm! i really appreciate this! i’ll be sure to keep this in mind. <3
1 year, 6 months ago by xc2024
@tkd2010 no problem! also another thing that i do is mix up if i base how long a run is on miles or minutes, like a 25 min run or 3 miles are about the same for me, but ive found always running for a set miles makes me feel like i have to push hard so when i want or need an easy day i just go for time
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
@xc2024 that’s so great to know! tysm i appreciate it sm!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by ArtsyAnna
I have been trying to get into running and it was going really well. Still am but it is harder as I am a girl in a city. But I find stretching before hand and just warming up is really important. Also at the beginning I did like 5-10 minutes walking and then running and alternated to help build stamina but also not hurt myself.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by EllaPatlo
I love running! I think it is so much fun! Anyone who wants to get into it should! I run track and my event is the 800m and the 1600m. I am a long-distance runner. I could never sprint. I'm not that fast guys... 😂 Ok and ya! I think everyone should get into running! It's really good for you! 👍 |
1 year, 1 month ago by caroliney
i’m a newish runner, i started in like october. what really helped me was an inhaler and a good playlist. i don’t drink a lot of water before so i don’t cramp. instead of running by mileage i run by time. if im using a treadmill i’ll do 5 minute jog, 5 minute run, and then one minute sprint one minute off 4 times. then start over. 😀
1 year, 1 month ago by xc2024
@tkd2010 i was scrolling the forums snd saw this snd now im wondering how your runnings going so yep just curious🙂
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by tkd2010
@xc2024 it’s actually been going pretty good! i had to take a break bc we had a big freeze and the roads were too icy. but the past few weeks i’ve been back at it! i’ve rlly enjoyed it so far
1 year, 1 month ago by HaikyuFan
i find that when ur starting out running with people really helps because you can motivate each other. and idk if you have anything similar in the US but in england there is this thing called ‘parkrun’ which is where on saturday morning you can go a local park (it is specified before) and then you run like 5 kilometres with loads of other runners. but whether it’s in a group of with just one person, running with someone deffo helps with motivation.