Your worst injuries! page 2
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by ArtsyAnna
A few years ago I was going a sack race and my toes bent backwards and broke. Other than that just some ankle problems.
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by tkd2010
i also was pitching to my brother (he’s a 6’1 , over 200 lb ,18 year old baseball player). i was just lobbing it in there and he smokes one right at me. i had a glove but had pretty much no reaction time. so it hit me in the eye. my eye swelled and was bruised. i couldn’t see right for awhile and got a killer headache. just for reference i was like 20 feet away. it was a tennis ball but STILL. the next day at his game he actually hit a home run and after the game he told me “no wonder i hit a home run i had good practice yesterday” 😐
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by tkd2010
and whenever i moved my eye it hurt like crazy. i think my actual eyeball was bruised (if that’s even possible haha)
1 year, 7 months ago by feeby_
i ran into a glass door and broke my foot 😭😭
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by TKEStrong3
@Moogle me too. Although one time when I was sledding down a hill, lying on my stomach, I hit a bump at the bottom of the hill, flew off the sled, and knocked into a building WITH MY HEAD. it hurt to move my neck for a while.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Stmermaid1
Nothing much compared to everyone else (you could say I'm pretty lucky with injuries TOUCH WOOD) but my worst accident was while riding on a bike down a hill when I was either 6 or 8. With my family, I was staying at this hotel who let you borrow their bikes. On this particular bike that I had borrowed from the hotel, the brakes worked very poorly. While ZOOMNG down this hill I lost control of the handlebars (I couldn't slow down and rolled over a rock) and GOT FLUNG OFF AND OVER THE HANDLE BARS landing on my face/hands/knees/arms/stomach. I had scraped most of the skin off of my palms, my forearms, chin, knees, part of my stomach and finally the top of my lip (I even have a scar lol).Let's just say I was sore and could hardly move for days 😂 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by 4741119
Probably breaking my foot.
1 year, 6 months ago by xc2024
literally a broken finger. im relatively invincible 😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Crystal130
I don't really know I mean I have a fraind who's broken every bone in her body Literally 😂 but she's fine LOL
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by violasrule
ok your local not very smart person has entered the chat and i can proudly say that i, in the past year, have:had a foot injury (some sort of inflammation of a joint) that made it so I couldn't run cross country for a month (last year) (very painful) (could barely walk) had a knee injury before and during track season (so this way like 6-ish months ago) (i muscled through and then in disappeared one day) fell off of a treadmill at my friend's house after she dared me to go full speed (ok so basically what happened here was she turned it all the way up, I have never actually run on a treadmill before (and i never will after this lol) and i didnt put the safety stuff on, and so it was at full speed so my legs didnt have time to like get used to it + i way underestimated the speed, slid down and got my right knee and shin torn up, and it didn't heal for like a month or so and it's VERY obviously scarred over and people still ask me what happened when I'm wearing shorts, like "why do u have bruises" and im like "nah they're not bruises...") injured my knee before + during summer gym (for like another month) (same injury as 1st knee injury) (also disappeared one day) now i once again have the same knee injury (it's been like 2 weeks?) (feels better but not much) (will probably randomly disappear in a day again) send help. i also fell off a skateboard once in 5th skateboarding down my next door neighbor's driveway, scraped my ankle up so bad that it swelled and inflamed to the point where it hurt terribly to walk for 2 weeks. yet somehow, i have never broken any bones or sprained anything. i have twisted my ankle like 4 times before though in elementary school- 🙂 |
1 year, 6 months ago by sourapples
ok i’ve only broken one bone and it was my pinky toe and one time i tried to brake and turn down a hill on a bike and ran into a fence and flipped lol in front of my friend he was traumatized but i was fine and didn’t break any bones and didn’t even get a c concussion
1 year, 6 months ago by meowmeow54
I have more of “surgical injuries” because I didn’t heal right from foot and ankle surgeries. I used to be a track and xc runner, I can’t even run now without my ankles locking in place and me falling. I’m in pain 24/7
1 year, 6 months ago by SheepDog12
When I was 11, we went on vacation with our family friends in a little gated community with golf carts, and one of the dads set up a scavenger hunt, so, in the last clue, the driver of my golf cart slowed down to park, but I thought it was completely stopped, so when I jumped off the cart, it lurched forward, so I lost my balance and fell on my wrist and broke it. We couldn’t go to the hospital because we were leaving the next day and the hospitals were too far away, so I just had to deal with the excruciating pain until we went to the hospital when we got home. The bumpy airplane ride caused my wrist to bounce around a lot.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by fishyknots
When I was 5 I ran over my foot with a toy cart and I still have a scar. I also would always get scraped knees and elbows from rollerblading
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Lava_Lav
Once I had a fight wit my brother and he left a permanent scar on me. It bled slowly for two hours straight
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by dritten527
Managed to slice both my knees open on a mirror, had to wear bandages for months and now have scars on my knees
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by dritten527
And I have knee/hip/ankle problems so it hurts when I run/move sometimes
1 year, 5 months ago by 61805327
I broke a rib while doing gymnastics (I still do it) I won’t be doing that skill in a very very long time
1 year, 5 months ago by xc2024
fell off a quad, got a few scars on my lower back from that
1 year, 4 months ago by iamsophie
(i dont have 10 toes, just 9) i don’t wanna get into detail abt it. let’s just say dont play with tools ⚒️