Does Anyone Know What Might be Wrong with this Squirrel?
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by SirSquirrl
A little earlier today we went to our window to check on the squirrels on our backyard. One squirrel was sitting on our neighbors fence (pretty much connected to our backyard), and the squirrel was itching itself furiously! They were scratching themselves everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE! They were even messing up their tail in hopes of getting the itch out. This went on for FIFTEEN MINUTES!!! A few minutes sure...but this went on for a WHILE! We even opened our window in hopes of distracting it with food, since at the rate they were scratching, the squirrel might've bled. Unfortunately, they just backed along the fence and alas...kept scratching everywhere. The squirrel even tried to scratch themselves on the wood...After a bit, they jumped on the tree and...fell. Does anyone know what might've caused the squirrel's itching? I'm thinking it could be ticks, poison ivy, allergies, etc. Does anyone have a guess or at least a possible solution to what may be causing the itchiness in the squirrel?
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by xdarkfirex
My only guess could be what you said: ticks/mites etc. Idk about wild animals like squirrels, but they have medicine for pets that gets rid of it
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Maybe you could try contacting a local organisation that protects animals. They should be able to tell you, what's going on and if you should do anything, if you should do anything.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by SirSquirrl
Thank you for all the suggestions! I will definitely check if I am able to do those things.