1 year, 6 months ago by bvknots
Pet owners! I have some small prompts for you : )
Feel free to answer whatever one’s you want or maybe even all!

1.What’s the NAME of your pet?
2. What ANIMAL (&) BREED is your pet?
3. What is something UNIQUE about your pet?
4. How OLD is your pet?
5.What funny/cute QUIRK do they have?
6. Lastly, any other INFO you feel like mentioning!

I’ll start!
I have a pet named Venice who is a Mini Schnauzer Dog. She’s turning 2 in late September! She has a really small tail, so whenever she’s happy she just wiggles her whole bottom-half of her body to make up for it haha. Finally, she’s named after a city in Italy!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
i have a cat named alli. i’m not sure what breed but she is gray and white. she’ll be 4 on thanksgiving day. when she’s hungry she hits her head on our glass door. she’s so cute 🥰
1 year, 6 months ago by bvknots
@tdk2010 aw HAHA i love how she tells u how she’s hungry. our birthdays aren’t that far apart! only a couple of days : )
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
@halokiwi thank you for tagging me (:
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
ik haha it’s so cute! oh wow! that’s so cool!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Beeskin
I have a few pets so:

One of my dogs’ name is Shelby. She’s a Husky, Malamute, Mastiff, Border Collie and Maremma sheepdog mix 😂. She does this funny growl-bark when she’s excited or suprised to see someone. She’s 4 months old, so still a puppy. If I have a treat in my hand she nudges her head towards it as if saying “gimme, gimmee”

I have an older dog and his name is Leon. He’s a Beagle, Fox Terrier mix. He doesn’t like other animals(including dogs) and he will eat anything lol. He is 16 years old but we’ve only had him for 7 years I think. Every morning he tries to rush out of my room as soon as possible because he wants his breakfast 😂

I also have a cat named Paco. He’s an orange Maine Coon, Ragdoll mix. If I go for a walk outside, he will always follow behind me. He is almost 2 years old. He lovvess to rub his head against you millions of timesss.

And lastly I have a chick named Peep. He’s a Light Brahma. He was born with a crooked, twisted leg so he can’t walk like our other baby chicks. He’s 6 days old. He will turn his head and look at you if you make sounds 😂 Hopefully he’ll still be able to survive and thrive as a one legged chicken!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by xdarkfirex
Oof well my partner and I have 3 ferrets and 3 bunnies altogether, so answering all that about each would take a while 😂 Plus I doubt anyone would want to read all that, lol. So I’ll just summarize, I guess.

Our bunnies’ names are Willow, Aspen, and Jelly Bean! Willow is around 11 or 12 years old, while the other two are around 5 or 6. Willow is white with dark grey spots, Aspen is white with black spots, and Jelly is white with a grey nose, ears, and tail. So far Jelly doesn’t get along with the others, so we’re currently deciding whether or not to get her a friend so she isn’t lonely.

Our ferrets’ names are Yui, Goose, and Pandora. Yui is around 4, Goose is around 2, and the baby is just over a year. Yui is white with some grey patches, goose is dark brown and has a white chest, and Baby is a reddish-brown. I call Goose and Baby double trouble because they keep us up all night playing 😂 which is why we’re setting up another room for them to play in and not reduce our sleep lol.

I doubt anyone wants to hear more, but on the off chance anyone does I’m obviously happy to talk all day about our babies!
1 year, 6 months ago by bvknots
@Beeskin wow, you have lots of pets! my dog is very food motivated and wants her breakfast asap too when a family member of mine wakes up. I love how you also have a pet chick too, super cute!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Beeskin
Yeah that’s true haha. lol both my dogs are highly food motivated 😆 it’s super funny! Yesss he’s super fun to be with! 🐥 🐤
1 year, 6 months ago by celleta
1. they didn’t have names 2. goldfish 3. i got them from the carnival 4. they lasted 2 weeks 5. they died cause they got caught in the water filter of the tank 6. this was years ago and i haven’t had any pets since 😭
1 year, 6 months ago by bvknots
@celleta HAHA i love ur response tbh, i remember my cousin gave out some of her fish cuz she had a huge tank of them and me and my sibling got 2 each. we literally didn’t expect to bring fish home that night and we’re so uneducated that we fed them lettuce 😭😭 to nobody’s surprise they died like a week later
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Moogle
My kitty's name was Luci (short for Lucifur), and she was a brown tabby cat. My partner and I adopted her as a stray so her exact age is unknown, but the vet said she was an old lady by the time she passed away. One funny thing she would do is if she wanted to sit in the chair with you, she would gently tap your butt/thigh until you picked her up. I miss her lots, and we haven't gotten a new cat yet, but no kitty will ever replace her 💕
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by crafter83
Ginger is a Guinea Pig who lives her best friend/ greatest annoyance Ruby( my sister’s). She is around 20 months old. She will sometimes freak out if Ruby leaves the cage, but hiss at her and act like a snake when she comes back. She also loves the dark and will try to climb up my shirt if I’m laying on the ground
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Maky_Wacky
I have a dog his name is Bandit, but I call him Bandito. Not sure what type he is bc we rescued him. He’s about 7 we think! He can kneeboard with me behind the boat it’s really cool!! 🥰
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Yelena09
I have a cat. Her name is Tigger. We aren’t sure what breed tho.
Her tail curls when she hears her name and has a raccoon-looking tail.
She turned three on the sixth of July (:
She’s kneeds at my shoes when she’s happy to see me 🥰 And she nudges my armpits at night when she’s happy 😊
I love her so much she is so cute and sassy
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by leviOsa_09
I have a cat named King Oliver umm idk what breed but he’s white and brown he has what looks like a chocolate chip cookie on his belly I think he’s like 4 or 5 he ♥️s human food especially cheese, salsa chicken, and popcorn!
1 year, 6 months ago by bvknots
@Yelena09 aww I love how she kneads your shoes that’s so cute 🥹🥹 I can imagine her fluffy raccoon tail in my head haha. my dog also has a bit of an attitude too!
1 year, 6 months ago by bvknots
@leviOsa_09 my dog always begs me for human food when my family and I are at the dinner table 😅😅 we usually just give her fruit that’s safe for her like watermelon or blueberries. sometimes I’ll give her some white rice too 😌
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Yelena09
@bvknots aww thank!! her tail is blonde-ish with ginger rings and I call her “shrimp” or “shrimp tail” 🤣