Random opinions/revelations
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by fishyknots
Hi! Throughout the day I randomly think of things, form dormant opinions, or just realize something obvious. Here you can share the random thoughts you have throughout the day!

Here are mine:
Southern accents are so cool
But British accents are kinda annoying in some people and 🔥 in others
Chipotle tastes good ONLY when you first get it
Baby cucumbers and ranch are the best food combo EVER
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by smplyjedi
1. a transatlantic accent is literally amazing i love it
2. taylor swift is waaaaaayyyyyy overrated
3. some cars are actually kinda cool
im sure theres more but these are all so far lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by tkd2010
1. accents are rlly cool. 2. if there are crops growing in fields on the side of the road and they aren’t fenced in, they are free crops. (learned this totally true fact from the grandpa) 3. most vehicles are so unpractical. 4. wavy/curly hair is soo beautiful. 5. imagine how much cooler humans would be if we had eye colors other than blue, brown, green, hazel, etc?!?
1 year, 7 months ago by gomsnic000
1. people from the 1900s thought that we would have flying cars by now but people now think that there won't be flying cars until way in the future. Is this cycle just gonna continue forever?
2. why is it that in the book "Island of the Blue Dolphins" the author makes it sound like such a cool place (in my opinion) but then we aren't even allowed to go visit it?
3. if we could fly, then we wouldn't need cars which then means we wouldn't need roads. if we had no roads then we would have a lot of more space to build houses and such which would lead to a LOT more people
lol these are soooo random 😂