I need some help on romance please...
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by Cassie989
So, I'm almost 16 and everywhere I go and see everyone my age (or close to it) is in a relationship with someone. I don't understand why it is so easy for everyone around me, but I can't seem to even find anyone. Here is the thing though, I've had a few online relationships in the past year and its crazy! Boys like my personality but I think my looks may be the problem. I hope not but I'm starting to get that feeling. Do you have any advice or are in the same boat as me? Anything helps. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Thanks 😊
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by Zaan_13
Even though I'm older than you I am in a similar situation - all my friends are in long term relationships and while I've been single for a few years and not interested in dating rn, I can't help but think that I must be missing something bc of how easy it seems for everyone else to find a partner!15 is still young for a r/ship though, so don't put so much pressure on yourself!! Especially with regards to your looks! There are probably lots of people your age who might've seen you on the outside and thought you were pretty but just didn't say it to your face 😇 My suggestion for now is, even though it may seem like you're the only person who isn't dating, just own it! Don't rush anything and don't force yourself to date just for the sake of it. Enjoy being a teenager and enjoy life with friends and family, and when you're confident in yourself then that confidence shows to everyone around you! which is the best thing to complement your appearance and personality 🥰 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by xdarkfirex
I agree with not dating people just for the sake of dating someone. All of my serious relationships personally have happened when I’m not actively looking for a relationship partner tbh- it kinda just happened naturally when talking to people. And I doubt you’d want to be with someone who was only dating you to date either. Oh, and don’t discount online relationships either because 3 out of 4 of my partners I met online 😅 including my current one who I live with now as an adult, and we’ve been together now for.. a year and a half-ish? A while lol.But the main thing is to not worry so much about it. I had a similar worry in high school after my first break up, and it lead to me seeking companionship in more toxic people. If I wasn’t so afraid of being single and alone, I would have gotten out of that situation way sooner tbh. Learn from my mistakes lol. I’m sure you have way more important things to worry about as a 16 year old anyway, like friendships, school, family, etc. I know it’s always tough being a teenager, so try not to make it harder on yourself than it already is. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by Cassie989
@Zaan_13 Thank you so much for the great advice and kind words! 😍I wish you luck on your journey through finding partners too! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by Cassie989
@xdarkfirex Thank you for the advice! ❤️ 👍
1 year, 5 months ago by suppeople
Alright girl I’m here for ya, I’m basically a self-proclaimed unlicensed therapist. 😂 I’m almost 15, trust me, it becomes something you let go of. My mom never really dated throughout high school yet my parents married really young and before most people they knew. I’ll also say real quick that I don’t exactly tell people what they want to hear, but I do tell the truth. Just promise me you won’t become me you won’t become boy crazy. I have a friend who is absolutely boy crazy. She has a new boyfriend just about every week and that’s no exaggeration. Other than she can’t date til 16, so they’re not exactly bfs but you know what I mean. I really wish I was dating too but when I think about it, if I date at my age it likely wouldn’t go anywhere. Look at the chances: 1. The first relationship typically doesn’t end up being the final one. 2. If you’re not dating for marriage, there’s really no point. 3. Long term relationships as a teen are rare. Put those together, and you have reasons to feel better about not being in a relationship. And most importantly, it’s not about having a relationship, it’s about having a great person. And don’t focus on finding the right person. People always fantasize about what their soulmate will be like yet no one ever thinks about how they should be for their soulmate, that’s more important. And even if you are in a relationship, you don’t have to be the “it” couple. People underestimate how nice it is to just be average. People these days all want to be special and stand out from the crowd. But being part of the crowd gives you freedom. You’re not always in the eyes of everyone or put on a pedestal. Strive for a great relationship and growth, but it’s just not necessary at our age. Let me know how things go!