Please help solve the most confusing questions
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Blueknot
I'm so confused, is peanut butter sweet or savory? Is cereal soup? Should you eat rice with a spoon or a fork? Does a straw have 1 hole or 2? Is a boneless chicken wing a chicken nugget?
Please answer and explain, thank you for helping to solve life's greatest mysteries.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by tkd2010
1. personally i thinks it’s sweet. i don’t rlly know how else to explain this one haha. 2. a spoon. i also use a spoon bc it’s just easier to scoop up. 3. it has one long cylinder-shaped hole. 4. uh sure ig…unless the boneless chicken wing has sauce…then that’s a different story.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Yelena09
I say you should eat rice with a spoon and since a straw is a tube, I suppose it counts as one??
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by lynx123
1. idk I'm allergic so if I tried to find out the answer to that I would end up in the hospital. 2. no 3. a spoon if you're eating it plain, and fork if you're eating it with other things. 4. a straw has one long hole 5. yes
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by fishyknots
1. Sweet
2. Cereal is absolutely not soup
3. Rice is eaten with chopsticks
4. 1
5. No

1 year, 10 months ago by halokiwi
Is peanut butter sweet or savory?
I'd say savory. That's why it pairs so well with sweet things like jelly. You got to have a contrast. You could also say that it's neutral.

Is cereal soup?
No. It might match the definition of a soup being a liquid with something in it, but it does not match how most people imagine a soup.

Should you eat rice with a spoon or a fork?
That's completely up to you. You can also use chopsticks or even your hands.

Does a straw have 1 hole or 2?
It's 1 long hole. At least that's my intuition. There might be a correct mathematical answer to it which I'm sure would be easy to find, if you went looking for it.

Is a boneless chicken wing a chicken nugget?
I've never had a boneless chicken wing in my life, but I'd say it's not a chicken nugget, because a wing is still a wing even without a bone and a chicken nugget is shaped meat. It could be from any part of the body.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by jazzyghost
I'm so confused, is peanut butter sweet or savory? Is cereal soup? Should you eat rice with a spoon or a fork? Does a straw have 1 hole or 2? Is a boneless chicken wing a chicken nugget?
1. I would argue that peanut butter is savory particularly because of its saltiness.
2. I don't count cereal as a soup because soup don't typically have "vhunks" while stews do, and I'm not about to call cereal a stew 😅
3. I don't eat rice, but I feel like it's objectively correct to eat rice with chopsticks for an accurate cultural experience.
4. A straw has one hole, which is scientifically called a "lumen".
5. Chicken nuggets are made out of ground up meat that's molded together while boneless chicken wings maintain their original shape, simply sans bone.
1 year, 10 months ago by olvidar
peanut butter isn’t savory it’s sweet and salty
1 year, 10 months ago by olvidar
1 year, 10 months ago by olvidar
oops 2. idk tbh i think it’s it’s own category 3. fork is my personal preference 4. 1 hope it’s just a long one 5. chicken nugget other one is too many syllables
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by sparklers
peanut butter is sweet and salty. so i call it swalty. cereal is cereal, not a soup. Rice is eaten with usually a fork, it depends if you're eating it with a meal, if you're eating it with a fork and have rice on the side, you're going to eat it with a fork. If you're having rice alone, use chopsticks. If you can't use chopsticks use a spoon.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by TKEStrong3
cereal is not soup and rice is eaten with chopsticks
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by TKEStrong3
peanut butter is supposed to be savory/salty, Jiff just messed it up by adding to much sugar
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by leviOsa_09
@1 i say savory
2: cereal is cereal
3: spoon
4: 1 long hole
5: depends

more questions:

are hot dogs sandwiches?
are m&m's candy or candy coated chocolate?
cereal before milk or milk before cereal?
does pineapple belong on pizza?
do you eat mac and cheese with a fork or a spoon?
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Blueknot
1. A hot dog is a hotdog. It is a piece of meat.
2. M&M's are candy coated chocolate
3. MILK BEFORE THE CEREAL it just tastes better that way
4. Pineapple and bacon are the superior pizza toppings, so yes.
5. Macaroni and cheese would be almost impossible to eat with a spoon in my opinion, so eat it with a fork.
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by fishyknots

1. Yes it is a sandwich
2. Candy coated chocolate
3. Cereal before milk
5. Fork
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Moogle
I'm so confused, is peanut butter sweet or savory? Is cereal soup? Should you eat rice with a spoon or a fork? Does a straw have 1 hole or 2? Is a boneless chicken wing a chicken nugget?

1. Depends on the kind you get. Some natural peanutbutters have no sugar. Typical brands have added syrups and sugars.

2. Considering there are a plethora of cold soups globally, cereal could qualify.

3. There's no right way to eat rice, but in practice around the world people use hands, chopsticks, wrapped in lettuce/cabbage leaves, forks, spoons, and more.

4. One hole if a straw is considered a torus, possibly none if considered as a möbius plane.

5. No, if the qualifier for chicken nugget is that the meat is processed.
1 year, 10 months ago by Thy_Kiwi
This is hilarious. Peanut butter it depends which one you buy, but if you choose the correct one, it’s sweet. Cereal I refuse to call a soup. It depends what you’re eating w the rice, by itself it needs a fork just because of the feeling of a spoon with dry rice on it feels wrong in my mouth, but with gumbo or chili or beans, spoon. Straws have one hole. A boneless wing is a boneless wing, nuggets are processed and a completely different texture. Please give me more of these questions this a genius thread
1 year, 10 months ago by Thy_Kiwi
@leviOsa_09 Hot dogs are sandwiches. They are not tacos. M&Ms are in fact candy. Cereal first becauseeee you can fit more cereal in the bowl. Yes pineapple on pizza 100%. Mac and cheese it depends what you’re eating the rest of your food with because both are equally acceptable. I’d prefer a fork tho I think
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Blueknot
1. Is water wet?
2. Is a thumb a finger?
3. If you clean a vacuum are you a vacuum cleaner?
4. Why do we park on driveways and drive on parkways?
5. Toilet paper over or under?
6. Is pizza an open face sandwich?
7. Is cheesecake actually cheese pie?
8. Is ketchup a fruit smoothie?
9. How do you pronounce gif? (gif or jif)
10. Is lasagna a layered cake?