Your bracelet journey
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by fishyknots
What’s your bracelet journey? In other words, how did you get into bracelets and where are you now?Here’s mine: I learned how to make a chevron at a summer camp at a young age. About 6 years later, I randomly got some embroidery floss and watched a few YT tutorials. I took a short break and then really got invested in the hobby. I started learning all there was to friendship bracelets, watched Masha Knots and Craftanatic 24/7, and bought a LOT more thread. Now, I know how to read patterns and make shaped starts, among other things. However, I have been procrastinating learning alphas. |
1 year, 8 months ago by Shiny_Gems
I was at a summer camp and learned how to make kumiko bracelets 4 years later I was cleaning out my family's basement and I found a braclet making kit. Looked up tutorials on YouTube found people talking about this website and now I know some basic patterns but don't know how to make alphas
1 year, 8 months ago by Tikilishi
At 8 years old or so, I learned how to make the V-shaped chevron (pattern 2). My best friend and I at the time would sit on a picnic blanket in her uncle's yard and we would eat lunch, then work on our bracelets, then go swimming, rinse and repeat! It was then at a summercamp that I was taught how to use gimp, and how to make square knots and how to make a half chevron, or better known as the candy stripe. I made a few bracelets here and there, mostly when on a long road trip someplace. It was on a particular long road trip of about 1,500 miles that I then discovered BraceletBook and made an account! But when the trip was over, I got busy and didn't log back in until quarantine about two years later. I then decided to add my only three patterns at the time to BraceletBook, and two of them were chosen by Johny for two of his Official Monthly Challenges! I was so surprised and inspired by this, and by how nice and involved the BraceletBook community was and is, that I wondered if maybe I could try making another pattern, and one pattern turned into another, and then another. During quarantine, my curiosity and fascination for normal patterns continued to get stronger and stronger, and a few more patterns turned into a few dozen patterns. Then one day, I happened to be on the site in the right place at the right time when I made a forum topic and an awesome user tagged Admin to show him the post. A few days later, I was asked to join the moderator team! Since being a moderator, I've gotten to interact with so many nice people here, and I've gained such a wholesome group of friends, and a wholesome and talented community. I love this forum topic a lot by the way, it's a really nice topic idea! |
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by Zaan_13
In 2013 I wanted a hobby to do over summer and came across friendship bracelets. Went to a craft shop and got 4 different floss colours to attempt making something and I remember it took me HOURS to even do a few rows of a chevron bc I had no idea how to handle the floss 😅 it kept knotting up on itself and I wasn't securing it properly etc but I got there in the end! I made an account on here but basically never used it (idk why I think I was lowkey intimidated by alphas etc haha)I made a handful of normal bracelets between 2013 - 2015 and made for a few friends as well, and then in 2015 I learned how to do 2-colour name alphas but the method back then was to use the base strings to knot with as opposed to having different leading strings Then I stopped for a while, went to university but I made literally only 1 bracelet in 2017 bc I was soooo slow. I gave it to my friend though and she has it as a zipper on a bag of hers (it's still there as far as ik!!) Didn't make anything at all until 2021 when I found back my floss collection (and my BB account) and started doing normals again and learning all the different techniques - segment knotting, shaped starts/ends, daisy chains etc! I also learned how to do alphas and most recently I've tried kumihimo! I've been doing a lot of alphas as cross stitch atm but I am so happy I've gotten back into friendship bracelet scene after so long 😊 |
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by whossharon
Bought a friendship bracelet kit from Walmart back in like 2011. Althought I only knew how to make chevrons and candy cane stripes because that is all the kit's booklet taught. I didn't know about alphas or how to read patterns. I then lost interest and the kit stayed in my closet for over 8 years!!! It's not till 2019 that I picked it up again and learned how to read patterns from YouTube. I then found out about alphas but I couldn't get the hang of them so I got mad and lost interest again😅. Finally recently this year I came across masha knots and it made me want to give alpha bracelets a try again. I was successful and now all I ever make are alphas 🤣. So that has been my bracelet journey.
Bracelet King
1 year, 8 months ago by leviOsa_09
my mother taught me and a friend how to make a simple candy stripe (#1) for a girl scout badge. it kept twisting and i eventually got frustrated with it so i stopped and kinda forgot about it. then, about 3 years ago, my girl scout troop went on a trip. at this point i dont remember where we went, only that it was one of many trip we've taken. so, i brought by embroidery floss with me, because i knew it would be a long car ride. i pulled it out, and one of my friends showed me a pattern for a chevron (#2) and showed me bracelet book. i didnt make an account until later when i was trying to add a variation
1 year, 8 months ago by reagan_15
i used to only be able to make chinese staircases and then a while later I learned how to make the candy stripe and the chevron. I didn't make bracelets for a while but over the past year I got back into it, learned how to make patterns, and alphas. I now have an etsy shop and I love making so many bracelets 24/7
1 year, 8 months ago by Thy_Kiwi
As a kid I used to be into diy videos on YouTube and I was searching for diy bracelets. I learned the Chinese staircase first i think. And then I stumbled across Masha Knots and Alex’s Innovations during the beginning of lockdown in 2020 and taught myself to knot thru their videos and some old string my mother had around our home. At first I kinda sucked and there was a bunch of holes everywhere, then i took like a four month break, kept watching videos and when i came back to knotting it was somehow a looooot smoother, and now I’ve picked up tricks and techniques to up my game even more. But I always kept those first bracelets to see where I came from and some of them I even recreated to see the difference. I’m very excited to learn more techniques tho and I have hopes of running a small business with all kinds of art, not just bracelets. :}