ask me random questions 🔥 page 7
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
Five more questions:
1. Are you tired of answering questions?
2. I have to go, would you like me to ask you more questions when I can?
3. How would you feel if I left bb forever?
4. Would you delete this post if you could, so as not to have anymore questions to answer?
5. How would you feel if you could have my pets for a day?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@Beeskin 1. umm idrk. 2. i have no clue haha. 3. i don’t rlly have any. 4. i’m not sure. 5. hearts lol (jkjk). 6. when people i don’t like call me bestie. like pls stop. 7. holding my breath for 20 seconds and chugging water. 8. i would probably sleep. and then idrk. 9. like two weeks ago 😭. 10. fish fs. 11. i’m actually not sure. 13. my crush lol. 14. on tuesday. 15. yes on these steps thingys at school. 16. omg too many to count. 17. sure if ya want
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. i don’t have one lol. 2. charlie, gracie, sophie. 3. urm no not rlly. 4. that you were cool lol. 5. climate lol. 6. (it was last year but it’s ok) going to my friends bay house for her bday. 7. yellow ofcc. 8. my friend genevieve bc she’s so fun and cool. 9. nope. 10. honestly i don’t remember.
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. no not rlly. 2. sure. 3. sad 😢 4. nope. 5. i would
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 5. i would be happy bc i love animals haha
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. Do you like winter?
2. Sheep or goats?
3. What’s the best type of cheese for you?
4. What is the greatest risk you have ever taken?
5. Which of the two smells better, fresh-cut grass or bread baking in the oven?
6. Bread, cheese or both?
7. Do you like asking questions like this instead of answering them?
8. What food should taste better than its appearance?
9. Crocodiles or alligators?
10. What bird do you think is the prettiest?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. yesss but not as much as summer. 2. goats. 3. pepper jack. 4. going tubing. 5. fresh cut grass fsss. 6. both ofcc. 7. eh i like them the same. 8. cheesecake it’s so gross. 9. alligators. 10. tucannn
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. Telescope or binoculars?
2. Hawks or eagles?
3. Are you scared of wasps?
4. Do butterflies like you?
5. Do you have a lot of shades of pink (With string ofc)
6. Would you like to be a butterfly for one day?
7. Do you like spiders?
8. What's your dream job?
9. Would you like to be a bee for one day?
10. If so, would you sting somebody you hate even if you would die after?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. binoculars. 2. eagles. 3. i’m not scared of them but i don’t like them. 4. urmm ig. 5. yesss i have a ton. 6. yesss i would love to! 7. ew noo. 8. probably some type of doctor. 9. eh no. 10. omg yesss
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. Would you like to be a fish for one day?
2. If so, what would you do?
3. Do you like fish that are not for eating?
4. Name the worst color combo you could possibly think of
5. At what percentage is your phone right now?
6. Do you have a fireplace in your house?
7. If not, would you like one?
8. Red or green?
9. 1, 5, or 12?
10. What is your dream house?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. sure why not? 2. i would swim as far as i could ig haha. 3. urm sure if? 4. brown, yellow, green. 5. 82 (idk how i’ve been on it for a while). 6. nope. 7. yesss i would love oneee! 8. red. 9. 12. 10. one with an inground pool
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. How would you feel if you were a rock for one week?
2. Would you like to be a moderator on here?
3. Backpack or bag?
4. Would you prefer going to the library or going shopping?
5. Black or white?
6. Cherries or grapes?
7. Are you bored right now?
8. Do you have plans for tomorrow?
9. If not, do you have plans soon?
10. Would you like to taste an apricot one day?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. honestly probably pretty good haha. 2. eh maybeee. 3. backpack. 4. shopping fss. 5. depends. 6. cherries fss (but real cherries not the one sun the jars). 7. yesss. 8. just school haha. 9. eh not rlly. 10. sure why not?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. What’s the best food to munch on while watching a movie?
2. What would be a “perfect” day for you?
3. How do you like to spend your free time?
4. Have you read any intriguing books lately?
5. If so, what are they?
6. Do you like tea?
7. If so, what's your favorite flavor?
8. How would you spend an ideal Sunday?
9. Would you rather take a vacation to Alaska or Hawaii?
10. What was the last book you read?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. popcorn with picklesss. 2. staying at my friends bay house with all our friends. sitting on the dock talking all night. and waking up and go tubing and kayaking then repeat. 3. on my phone or playing volleyball. 4. nope. 5. n/a. 6. only sweet tea. 7. again sweet tea. 8. again at my friends bay house. 9. hawaii fss. 10. the wave. we had to read it for school
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. If a genie could grant you three wishes, what would they be?
2. What’s the worst gift you’ve ever received?
3. If you could time travel, would you visit the past or the future?
4. What’s the strangest food you’ve ever tried?
5. What’s the worst hairstyle you ever tried?
6. Are dumplings ravioli?
7. What’s the funniest pet name you can think of?
8. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
9. What’s the most useless invention of all time?
10. Would you rather be a dragon or own one?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. What’s the craziest thing you’ve eaten for breakfast?
2. What do you never leave the house without?
3. If aliens offered to take you back to their planet, would you go?
4. What’s your favorite board game?
5. What’s the oldest piece of clothing you have in your closet?
6. If you could wake up with an unlimited supply of anything, what would it be?
7. If you could teleport, where would you go?
8. Would you rather be the funniest or most intelligent person in the room?
9. What are you most proud of this past year?
10. What makes you feel accomplished?
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. one- for my crush to like me back lol. two - be able to go to hawaii (or anyplace tropical tbh). three - get some money bc i’m broke /j. 2. in kindergarten this boy gave me toe nail clippers for my bday. tbh he was trying to be sweet bc we we’re friends but….ig it’s the thought that counts right? 3. past. specifically the 90’s or the 70’s. 4. squid. 5. a bob when i was like 5. 6. umm ig? 7. maybe naming a dog “cat” or a fish “mouse”. 8. cats fss. 9. (this one had met thinking for a while) paper straws. like eww?!? just use metal straw. 10. be a dragon fs
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by tkd2010
@dracula 1. probably like potato chips. 2. my phone. 3. definitely. 4. monopoly! 5. this shirt literally from 1st grade that the school gave me. it says “i feel great! i got straight A’s!” (i literally only wore it one time. 6. those cookies from like walmart. they are sugar cookies with that soft pastel icing and sprinkles. they are sooo good! i could eat my body weight in those lol. 7. hawaii. 8. funniest. 9. um not sure tbh. 10. when i say things that aren’t stupid haha
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
1. What do you regret not doing this past year?
2. Do you believe in second chances?
3. If so, why?
4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
5. What are you most grateful for?
6. What element do you resonate most with: fire, water, earth, or air?
7. Are you a risk-taker?
8. What's the best gift you've ever received?
9. If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
10. Darkness or light?