Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by winniellen
i just got my doubles in my lobes and a mid helix piercing! what piercings do you guys want/have??
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by Craftanati
Triple lobes on one side, double on the other (lost my earring then just let it close up); 2 helix; forward helix; industrial; conch; tragus; daith; both nostrils. 😊
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by winniellen
@Craftanati that’s so cool! 😁
5 years, 2 months ago by MaxKnots
I've got triples on both ears and a cartilage on my left ear I want to stretch my ears to a 00g and i want a tongue piercing
Super Moderator
5 years, 2 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I only have a single helix piercing on my left ear. 😎
5 years, 2 months ago by Margaron
I have single lobe piercings and a navel piercing. A Tragus piercing, double forward helix, as well as a helix piercing in my left ear and a double helix piercing in my right ear.
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by queeenB_Xx
I have a single lobe piercing at the moment😕 but for my 14th bday I’m get triple lobe on one ear and double for the other🤪 hopefully I’m able to get a helix on the ear with the triple 🤩
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by Cirivere
@queeenB_Xx oh man, do me a favour and don't pierce both ears at the same time, it'll be hell to sleep if you can't lie on any side since that'll irritate the new piercings.... speaking from experienceAs for me, I got both earlobes pierced once as a kid, and last year I got a second earlobe piering in both. I'm hoping to get a helix peircing on my right ear next year (since I'll quit my part time job to focus on graduating and it won't be a work hygiene issue then) |
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by queeenB_Xx
@Cirivere thanks for the advice Xx 🌸❤️
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by Cirivere
@queeenB_Xx no prob! the piercings will heal much better when you don't irritate them, and only having to be more careful with one side of your body will definitely result in better sleep than if you constantly struggle to find a comfortable position without lying on your piercings 👍
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by winniellen
@queeenB_Xx i got my doubles and my mid helix at the same time, and i sleep on my left side... i got my helix on my left lol! i saw a tip to sleep with a travel pillow so maybe that will help if you're going to do all of those!
Bracelet King
5 years, 1 month ago by queeenB_Xx
@winniellen Xx thanks 🔥🌸