Story’s from my school
1 year, 11 months ago by srimpy
So...I go to a home school co-op in the woods it’s fun and I have a lot of stories from it so I will tell you...

My first story I call it the “oh no “incident .
So... I was happily talking to my friends at the table and than we decided to go on walk but we bump into my brother who had been with his friends and before we bumped into them ...they were with there “friend”but there “friend “ had been literally breathing in there faces it was gross so they took him to pretend court and they found him guilty so as a punishment they just threw a couple of snow balls at him but than his mom saw and said to them”your all bad children “ but the punishment was fair because he was breathing in there faces in a pandemic soooo and then it actually got baddd....and the mom said that they were never coming back to they left and as soon as they got home they said to my other friends mom that they could press charges against all the children that threw snowballs at him but they really can’t because there is no evidence and it is just the way that me and my friends play so if there kid who was completely fine with what we were doing does not like to play that way than they should not play with us...but anyway it got way to out of line all because of one kids mom and now almost every mom at the school is talking about it
1 year, 11 months ago by srimpy
So I will post here every two days yayyy
1 year, 11 months ago by srimpy was VERY loud and so many people. so I was scared to go into the place were your supposed to skate but I did once my friends started to.but teens kept grabbing onto me for support it was sooooooo annoying
Than there were children falling left and right so that was fun.also I paid for some stuff to do arcade games and I paid with my own money and it was ten dollars but Leif kept wanting to play games to and robin just kept letting him play a ton of games when I paid for it sooooo yeh but also most of the games were rigged and the claw machines had really cheap toys that you could buy at a Walmart. Anyway I got really good at skating yay but ummm Leif on the other hand was falling all over the place haha
Than there were children that were holding hands behind me and I did not know and they fromed som kinda wall behind me and kept telling me to move out of the way but I could not hear bc it was so loud and also I was there before them but I tried to move and I did but then I heard the children say “I think we scared him hAhA”like bruh bruuhhhhhhhhh I was just really annoyed by that but yea that was it
1 year, 11 months ago by srimpy
^^^^SO I went this a roller rink this is wut happend ^^^^^
1 year, 11 months ago by srimpy
Srry I have not been posting on here bc school was cancelled from some stuff but next time I go I willllll come back with a story
1 year, 10 months ago by srimpy
Ok sooooo I was at school and this rlly annoying kid kept calling my nonbinary friend sheeeee and herrr and that was rlly rude. Anyway I got to just be there and I did not do much but umm there is a small thing that happened....THIS RLLY BAD HUMAN NAMED MILES WAS BEING SOOOOOOO ANNOYING AND CALLED MEH ANNOYING AND I HATE IT anyway sooooooo this other kid who be nice I talked to so yay that happened
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by sage-wolf
@srimpy nooo not the disrespecting pronouns 😭 i mean i think rae uses any pronouns but we all know they prefer they lol. uGh. and why was miles calling you annoying?
1 year, 10 months ago by srimpy
@sage-wolf idk miles is just “one of those ppl” that just only likes “cool” ppl,and that is why I hate him
1 year, 10 months ago by AAawesome
I know this is kind of a thing where you post stuff but there is some spicy drama going on at my school...
Okay so basically my best friend's boyfriend broke up with her and said "We are done I don't like you anymore don't talk to me anymore." I know because he didn't even care to say it in private and said it in front of everyone. My friend was crying because she actually loved him. One day later, guess what... HE ASKS ME OUT. I say no I absolutely hate you but there was a rumor going on saying I said yes. And my best friend heard the rumor. Perfect. So basically now my best friend hates me, the school is talking about me, and I asked him wth why and he says "Because you were prettier and better than her while she looks like a pig and a rat had a baby. I WANTED TO PUNCH HIM HE IS SO OBNOXIOUS. I really want my best friend back but I know she hates me.
1 year, 10 months ago by srimpy
So today’s juicy stuff was well it’s not rlly from my school but it’s funny......

So I was playing D&D with my group of friends but my bro kept watching YouTube and the dm got mad at him and told her mom 😂💀than her mom said the next time he does that than she will tell his mom/my mom and he was not paying attention it was annoying but the dm’s bros were saying “ ohhhhhh you better tell all the ppl you love bye”it was rlly funny 😆 cuz they were saying that bc their mom was coming 💀💀😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by Aussie_Izz
1 year, 10 months ago by srimpy
So yesterday i was at school and me and two of my friends made a game called grandma were someone would hold a bunch of flowers and they would be the grandma and they had to act like a grandma too and the grandma would have to tag the other ppl with the flowers that they are holding...ik it’s really weird but I don’t care.and my crush(one of my crushes) started playing to and he was running from me bc I was the grandma and he is one of the fastest ppl I need school but I was almost as fast as him...for some reason it made me feel nice lol. But yeh. Oh and some of my friends and me made a cult called “the twig cult” and we just hated ppl that broke twigs lol and we had a little chant that was basically just us saying “muzic” in harmony over and Over again and than at the end of it we would all scream TWWIIGGG! rlly loud
1 year, 10 months ago by srimpy
Srry ment to say *in school* not *i need school*
1 year, 10 months ago by lemonlime0
One time in study hall there were two friends, and one of them was showing the other his new leather belt with the fancy stamps and stuff. (Rancher/Cowboys fashion was very popular there) So theyre both messing with this belt, playing with it, and he hands to his friend. At this point they’ve grabbed a couple people’s attention because they were snapping it kinda loudly. They are sitting across from each other with no desks in between them, and the friend proceeds to snap it so hard the belt escapes his grip and hit his friend in a sensitive lower area. The snap was loud, and so was the silence before people started laughing. Poor guy had to excuse himself from the pain despite laughing himself, but I will never forget it, lol.