Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by nev_m_07
Ok so in June of last year, I told my crush that I liked him, and he told me that he liked me back but was not ready for a relationship. And to be completely honest, I wasn’t quite ready when I told him either, so it was fine. I’ve liked him since November of 2021, so over a year now, but we still aren’t dating. I really really like him and I want us to be more than whatever we are but I don’t know if he’s ready yet. We went to homecoming together but not as bf/gf just as whatever we are now which is not just regular friends but not more than friends either. It’s just really awkward for the both of us and I would like to expand our relationship. I also feel like I make the first move a lot but he’s really shy and he gets nervous around me and I think that’s why he’s quiet about doing stuff. Like I asked him to homecoming, and I confessed first, but no major moves have been made. I don’t want to wait for him to ask me to be his gf, but I also don’t want to force/rush him into being a relationship. But I would like to be dating before this school year is over as it is already almost junior year and I want us to have a strong relationship before college since long distance is hard and idk if he’s interested in any of the colleges that I’m interested in. I just honestly don’t know what to do, and I was hoping someone could give me some advice. 💕
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by sage-wolf
honestly, go for it! just ask him, the worst he can say is no and that doesn’t seem likely. there’s nothing wrong with putting yourself out there, abd just asking isn’t the same as forcing him into something:]