Something you recommend everyone does at least once in their life? 🥰 page 4
11 months, 3 weeks ago by ArtyBlizz
Write a diary, even occasionally. I wrote daily from like 2008 to 2021 and it's an incredible amount of experiences that are super interesting to go back to. One of the top things I'd save from a house fire.

If you ever have the money or skill, get a piece of clothing tailor made Learning to draw patterns made me realize that clothes could fit me a lot better and that I'm a perfectly good and reasonable shape, the clothes are the ones not designed for me.

Go to a store that sells food and snacks you've never had before. Within a 1 block radius of my house there are at least Asia market, African grocery store and Estonian store. I've discovered so many cool snacks and drinks just going in there to browse around. In general whenever offered a chance taste that food!
11 months, 2 weeks ago by 18390648
@nonhuman ok give me a week