are you learning any languages/any advice for anyone learning another language?
Bracelet King
2 years ago by harrypotty
if you are learning (or want to learn) a new language, what are you learning? also any advice for learning another language would be awesome!
I am learning swedish on my own and french in school 🇸🇪🇫🇷
2 years ago by Tikilishi
Some of our moderators are multilingual! As well as our Admin! 😄

I myself have tried to be, but I'm not very good at it 🙈 I think the main issue for me is lack of immersion. Because when I'm around Spanish speakers (which isn't very often anymore) my memory of the Spanish language improves. It's easier to pick up new words in a target language when I have people around you to practice 🙂

So if I had any advice to give, it might be to make some online friends in the target language, if there isn't any irl to be friends with 🙂
2 years ago by NekoUwU
I’m starting Chinese but since my parents are Chinese, it helps. They speak to me in Chinese but the problem is that I answer them back in English. Same with my Korean. My tip is just maybe practicing some conversations with people who speak your language as well as the language you’re learning
Bracelet King
2 years ago by Aussie_Izz
@NekoUwU my friend is teaching me Chinese as well! I'm not very good at it but I can count quite well now! I want to learn lots of languages but cannot decide what. Even though I'm not very good at it all the time...
Bracelet King
2 years ago by paulasophi
I speak English, German, French and also a little bit of Spanish (:
I did learn all of those languages in school haha but I'd love to lern Swedish or Norwegian as well!
Bracelet King
2 years ago by violasrule
I'm learning Chinese as well! I currently use duolingo (which, let's be honest, isn't the greatest for chinese), which seems to be pretty good for most languages. Also, with any language learning the pronunciation and how to SPEAK it rather than just write it is SUPER important... like before I was learning Chinese I was learning French, but I got a bit bored of it lol... but I was always practicing the words out loud. And with tonal languages like Chinese that's even more important.
Again, having friends makes it a lot easier. I have a handful of friends who are native Chinese speakers and so they help me out a bit.
Also perhaps recognizing the way that words are similar to your native language, like for me I've found many similarities with Chinese in the way more recent words are pronounced (examples: 咖啡 - ka fei (coffee), 纽 约 - niu yue (new york)and 加拿大 - jia na da (Canada) helps me to build associate with English words easily, and I'm sure that that can be found in quite a few languages, not necessarily with english but association with other languages. I know for a fact that French has that, mostly words that English kinda "stole" from them I guess, Swedish I'm not so sure about, but I'm willing to bet that there are a few there as well
Another thing that helps me is exposure, practicing it in real life, like I said with people who speak that language but also just like objects. One of my friends actually has a sweatshirt that they wear quite often that has 纽约 on it, and the first time I saw it I was instantly like "NEW YORK!" and they were like "huh. I didn't know that." and sometimes I'll also ask my friends to give me a random word, and I'll see if I know it in Chinese, or if I see any Chinese writing anywhere, like on all the instruction manuals for my cubes and other puzzles when they arrive, I like to scan it and see: Is there anything here I can understand? Most of the time I can pick out quite a few characters, not necessarily understand the sentences because I still am nowhere near to knowing that much about Chinese, but at least getting to see it and know that I can recognize those characters/words off the top of my head is great!

I hope this helped! 👍 I wish you luck in learning Swedish and French!
2 years ago by spyderwebs
i’m learning italian bc my family is italian, but all my family who speak italian live far away so i don’t hear it or have anyone to speak to. i’ve started watching my favourite netflix shows in italian! i try to choose shows i know well like friends, and i watch it either in italian with english subtitles or in english with italian subtitles and it’s so helpful! gives u the immersion in the language if u don’t have anyone to speak it to! a lot of netflix shows have these options, especially if u use a vpn and select the country where they speak the language you’re learning! i also listen to italian songs or read books in italian and then look up any words or phrases i don’t understand 🙂 it’s rlly helped!
Bracelet King
2 years ago by TKEStrong3
try watching movies in whatever language you're learning
Bracelet King
2 years ago by nev_m_07
I would highly recommend finding youtube channels in the language that you are learning! I personally find it really helpful, as I can watch videos about things that interest me while learning a language at the same time. I also recommend (and this is a bit silly, but) watching childrens tv shows, like “baby shows” in whatever language you’re learning. I know it sounds silly, but with childrens tv shows, they tend to use a lower level of vocabulary and they often speak a lot slower than teen or adult tv series, which is why it’s perfect for beginners because you will most likely be able to understand a lot more than if you were to watch a show meant for older audiences.
Bracelet King
2 years ago by ArtsyAnna
I am learning Latin in school and on my own I am learning Spanish. I really recommend (if you want an app) Duolingo!!! It has been really useful. I also listen to music that I know the words to in English so I can guess as to what Spanish words mean what. I do the same with ivied that I have watched several times before. Hope this helps!!
1 year, 11 months ago by suppeople
Learning German but really only as a background for learning Pennsylvania Dutch. My grandma is PA Dutch and she speaks it a little but was never really consistent when learning it growing up. My great aunt knows a little more. My church also very small and old and used to be mostly German so we used to sing many German songs. I used to study French but not so much anymore. My school also requires me to learn start learning Spanish by next year
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by tkd2010
i’m learning Japanese and i know some spanish
1 year, 10 months ago by m0ss
@harrypotty My first language is actually French so I could help you with your French if you want.
Have a great day !
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by harrypotty
@m0ss thanks for the offer. i am doing good with my french lessons and i am doing some on my own too so i dont really need any help rn, but i will keep you in mind if i ever need any extra advice <3
Bracelet King
1 year, 10 months ago by jazzyghost
I’m learning Spanish at the moment, and I can understand people when they speak it quite well. For me, writing and responding in Spanish are the hardest parts. Especially since there’re some words I just don’t know! And I find the tenses tricky (although as an English speaker I can resoundedly see that English tenses are WAYYY more confusing!)

Pero creo que hablar con gente que conoce el idioma es más importante, ¡y escuchar a música en el idioma!

I hope I wrote everything correctly 😅 but yeah!! Listen to music in the language you’re learning! For me the pipeline was Cucoand Boy Pablo into artists who fully sang en Español.
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by JennyBell
Spanisch and i think it was a great choice. I want to be a Spanisch translator soo. But this language is easy to say and to learn. ❤️
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by amandamont
i’m currently learning turkish and i’ve been using duolingo and practicing certain words with my boyfriends family since they speak turkish (and that’s why i’m learning)!!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by Moogle
For anyone using Duolingo, if you log on in browser and start a classroom you can get access to all the Super Duolingo features! Search "Duolingo for schools"
1 year, 6 months ago by bvknots
In my school you can pick whether to learn Spanish, French, or German and im learning French! my family is also full Filipino but im not very fluent in Tagalog language at all but im trying my best to learn using apps online (not duolingo tho haha)
1 year, 5 months ago by suppeople
I wish I was more into it, but learning German/Pa Dutch and Russian, and will be learning Spanish in HS