the friend group - and their problems 🔥
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by tkd2010
i’m pretty sure y’all have seen these tiktok’s where you shout the friend group and their “problems” so i thought i’d be fun to do it here! here’s mine! adyson- obsessed/simping over her bf kenley- boy crazy eliza- didn’t take a picture w him now he’s depressed genevieve- too hot brilyn- YOU NEED TO TALK TO HIM bryanna- obsessed with “him” me- falling wayyy too hard share yoursss 🤠 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by pablotimon
p1-pulls too many guysp2-is so pretty but kinda mean and used to be pick me p3-chews with mouth open p4-gets mad easily (sometimes) p5-doesn’t care abt anything p6 (me)-is too straight up |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by gingergaze
falcon- no boundaries😢L- emo😭 jesse- loves school too much😂 drew- boy crazy lily- never know how to respond to you, girl 😂 parker- socially awkward 😤 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by sage-wolf
i have like 3 friend groups so ig I’ll do them all- (just to clarify I don’t have 10,000 friends and I only actually talk to half of these ppl, also I changed the names )group 1 (my band Caitlyn- too shy and doesn’t talk (also my crush 😭) Payton- Emo Ezra- too short Zoe- too tall Noah- his mom is passive aggressive to mine group 2 (my dnd group) Fred- watches Elmo, Barney, and is a brony, Bowie- bad at dungeons and dragons 😂 Gregory- roblox kid but is 14 George- farts smell unnatural Aspen- too nice Geri- talks like an old man group 3 (my actual friends but they don’t really know each other ) Seamus (the only one I didn’t change the name) : iRiSh Jay- she’s too good at music Emerson- is a frog on the inside |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by paulasophi
Ok here we go hahaM: mommy issues L: always mansplaining C & E: get with each others‘ exes P: has had a crush on everyone in the group at some point P: never satisfied despite perfect grades (+ daddy issues) K: short |
2 years, 2 months ago by odd_ducky
E, E, E, M, C, K: have the communication skills of a box of colored pencils, so I don't talk to them anymoreschool- O: fake dated someone we both hate to make someone else jealous??? D: will not admit she's falling in loveeeee L: crushing on a player M: crippling anxiety E: had to skip a course in math and is almost failing because of it (feel bad for her) outside school- S: disappeared for 3 months A: hates everything A: we see her once a month and each time there is new trauma and a new boy D: has a new crush and a new vendetta every time I see her (and they're all bad) |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by harrypotty
c- has a coffee addictionm- got sent to the principal's office four times already and we only got back to school last week m- has no filter whatsoever s- is boy crazy a- is a people pleaser m- said colleen hoover was a modern day jane austen (this one makes my blood boil) |
2 years, 2 months ago by nilaknots
@S can be overbearingA: doesn't respect boundaries, does whatever she wants whenever J: often takes suggestions as insults or gets insecure very fast S2: doesn't talk at all i love them all tho <3 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by tkd2010
i’m gonna do my other friends too. patience- doesn’t know her dad. julie- homie hopper. callie- parents don’t really care abt her (this one makes me so sad). damean- albino (not really but we say he is) zane- alcoholic (and he’s too cute🤭) alayna- everyone is in love w her but she’s super shy.
2 years, 1 month ago by srimpy
Ok so here’s mine...#1(the ppl at forest school everyone calls ”the girl gang” Johnith.talks kinda loud sometimes and short kinda bossy and always holds me like a baby idk why Kellie. Judges me bc I were a mask and bossy Hanna. SHORT and is rlly scary for some reason Kim.TAAALLLLL and leaves me out of a conversation #2(the group of kids that I’m forced to hangout wth bc my brother is friends wth them Jack.never gives me personal space Greg. Is so loud and rlly sensitive it can get kinda Annoying Simon. Is SOO loud and somehow taller than me even tho he’s younger Raymond umm tall I guess #3(a group of ppl that think there my friends but aren’t) Sally. SO sassy way to into naruto Annalise. NEVER EVER GIVES ME PERSONAL SPACE And that is it.its kinda sad how rude my friend are but yk they is still cool🙃 |
2 years, 1 month ago by AAawesome
(Using different names cause they are still my friends and I don't want to rat them out) except some of them but I am being niceHarper ~ Gets mad rly easily and then doesn't talk to me for a day Mia ~ Always talks about her boyfriend it is so annoying Bailey ~ Super sensitive and doesn't like when we talk about her twin in front of her some toxic relationship idk Sidney ~ Kind of embarrassing when she is screaming my name all the way down the hallway Amanda ~ Her emotional health is rly bad and she hasn't gone to school in 2 months Malia ~ The tiktoks with every single teacher in the school is getting tiring (I did like 4 with her and the teachers were free styling it) Camilla ~ Absolutely toxic I actually hate her sm and like I just told the guidance counselor and she is trying to act like this little angel ugh Poppy ~ Does not stand up for her self ( if someone called her ugly she would say "Oh I didn't know that") Reagan ~ Keeps on switching sides between the toxic friend and us like PICK ONE Not a friend group it is just like my individual friends ig |
2 years, 1 month ago by hollow_log
a- sometimes a
2 years, 1 month ago by hollow_log
one is a bit clingy, one can be mean sometimes,
2 years, 1 month ago by hollow_log
i am so sorry these keep prematurely sending 😖 one is a bit clingy, one can be mean, one can be argumentative, one is too nice for her own good, and then there’s me who has too many probs to count. we all love each other
2 years, 1 month ago by hollow_log
it’s all from bullying and/or mommy/daddy issues and it’s never 100% of the time just sometimes
2 years, 1 month ago by s_wallis19
ok, here's mineP: would go broke buying books S: too short M: whole wardrobe is literally bucket hats I: new crush every month (also has no filter) B: has knees like an old grandma |
2 years, 1 month ago by meowzer01
Here’s mine:
2 years, 1 month ago by meowzer01
@I always tured
2 years, 1 month ago by meowzer01
Omg this formating is driving me crazy
2 years, 1 month ago by meowzer01
@I always tired