Strange things about your pet/pets🐶🐈
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by Booklady08
My grandparents dog is part pitbull and is the sweetest thing! But strangely enough, she is afraid of the dark. I didn't believe my sister when she first told me about it, but sure enough if we turned off the lights and it was completely dark, my grandparents dog started to shake uncontrollably until we turned the lights back on. It never crossed my mind that an animal could be afraid of the dark.

What is a strange thing about your pets?
2 years, 1 month ago by Lamplight
My dog HATES the color yellow. We don't know why, but if we get him a yellow toy he won't use it, but if we get him the same toy in a different color he will protect it like a child.
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by tkd2010
my cat lives outside and when she’s hungry she bangs her head on the door
2 years, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
My dogs are also pitties and they're also really afraid of the dark! @Booklady08

I found this out when I brought them to my friend's bonfire / party! They were really happy to be there at first, running around the yard and greeting all the guests, but then when the sun set and it got dark, their go-lucky energy changed and one of them just curled up on a bench next to my friend and started shaking! It was the middle of the summer, so it wasn't cold at all.

Also, two of my cats will quite literally eat anything. We have to be careful if we drop something on the floor that they aren't supposed to eat, because they'll run over and try to eat it really fast if we don't. Pizza, muffins, pad thai, mashed potatoes, strawberry yogurt - they eat literally anything. And it's not like they aren't well fed, (they're probably a little too well fed honestly!) The third cat will get really excited when the food comes out, but he doesn't know what to do after that. If we open a cheese wrapper, all the animals will come running over, including the third cat, with very happy body language, but when I give him a piece, he'll just poke it with his food then stare at me until one of the other cats eats it, lol.

Also, all three cats learned the same tricks the dogs learned apparently, but I didn't teach them, they just figured it out by watching the dogs! When I saw one of my cats deliberately sit when I was asking the dogs to sit for a dog treat, I was like, "no way..." It turns out, they all know how to sit, stand on their back legs, and lie down. So now I also ask the cats to do tricks for treats. It's amazing, lol. I want to teach them to spin in a circle next, but I don't know which approach I should take, if I should just teach my dogs to spin first and the cats will learn it too, or try and teach the cats at the same time as the dogs lol.
2 years, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
Poke it with his foot*** I meant to say lol (or paw, lol)
2 years, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
@Lamplight That's so funny!
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by harrypotty
one of my cats is obsessed with pink. if there is a pink towel or article of clothing she will either drag it away with her or lay down on it and snuggle it. she also takes my sister's old barbies and just carries them around in her mouth. my other cat jumps on everything, but i don't think thats too out of the ordinary with cats lol
2 years, 1 month ago by --Ellie--
my dog jumps when he gets excited! picture a dog jumping and then pouncing on a toy, kind of like that but he'll be happy and running and then just randomly bounce. it's really cute and whenever he does it my family always says something like "There goes murphy, the little leaping gazelle"
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by Aussie_Izz
My dog is invisible I dont know how but it is as if he was is never here and never existed! 🤯
Bracelet King
2 years ago by Booklady08
@Aussie_Izz lol 😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Hylia224
Cat eats puppy food
One puppy has what we call the Baby. A stuffed animal identical to her and she holds it in her mouth and massages it like a cat making biscuits to calm her anxiety
Other puppy is just a string bean and she will clean your face crevices out with her tongue
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Denver
I have had three dogs, one, a black lab, Simba, only had four “fingers”(toes?) on her back paws, another dog, Denver, a beautiful ex-stray and mega mutt, has five fingers on one of his back paws, and Chester, a husky, has five fingers on both his back paws. Denver also has a little black dot(sort of like a mole) on the corner of his eye.
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by TKEStrong3
I have a dog who eats everything:
Strawberries (right off the vine lol)
Salmon skin
Goose poop
Deer poop
And occasionally dirt, to name a few.
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Yelena09
My cat can open doors by putting her paw under it and yanking it open lol. I will wake up and nearly three in the morning only to see my closet opening and I feel instant panic. But it's just her 😂
She also loves my armpits for a strange reason. She shoves her nose into my armpit and just stays there. It's really funny 🤣
1 year, 5 months ago by Coralcat
My cat eats a lot of strange stuff, including:
1. Blue cheese dressing
2. Cheese puffs
3. Smart food popcorn
4. Raw ground beef
5. His own hair balls-lol

He is in the hospital recovering from a stomach infection 😭 so please send him good thoughts!
Also it’s not because he eats weird stuff 🙂
1 year, 5 months ago by Coralcat
He is the cat in my profile pic
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Hylia224
@Coralcat prayers for your kitty!
1 year, 5 months ago by Coralcat
Thank you! He should be able to come home tomorrow