Rose Thorn Bud ~ 🌹 ~ (the game) page 2
Bracelet King
2 years ago by jazzyghost
Rose— I finally got the haircut I wanted! (Shoulder-length wolf cut and curtain bangs)Thorn— I’m struggling in my Anatomy and Physiology class :c Bud— I’m seeing my favorite band, Half Alive, in concert in April! It’ll be my second time :0 |
Bracelet King
2 years ago by nev_m_07
@Rose I celebrated my birthday with my friends last week. Thorn: my former crush just told me he lost feelings for me. Bud: spring season for sports at my school is starting in a couple weeks.
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by dracula
Rose - One of my keychains is going really well!Thorn - Nothing except my cat woke me up in the middle of the night Bud - We're incubating eggs and they might hatch soon! |
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by fishyknots
@Rose I have been reading more!Thorn: I didn't do so well on my band audition that's super important to me Bud: My favorite teacher is back from maternity leave and I get to see her tomorrow ❤️ |
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by Yelena09
Rose, I learned to make Alphas!Thorn, I lost my wallet 😭 Bud, I have Karate Class tomorrow! |
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by doggokk
Rose I did my laundry yesterday thorn I have to play at graduation (pom and circumstance sucks) bud school is almost done |
1 year, 9 months ago by cromchyi
@Rose I'm going to see some foals this weekend ! Thorn: I don't know whats wrong with my ficus plant 🙁 Bud: I'm going to a theme park this Saturday! |
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by daisy_brac
Rose- I wrote a letter to my future selfThorn- I had to cut some of my hair off Bud- I’m excited for when I’m a senior and can read my future letter |
Bracelet King
1 year, 9 months ago by fishyknots
@Rose I REACHED BRACELET QUEEENThorn: I have 3 upcoming test on the same day plus finals Bud: I have a school concert in a few days |
1 year ago by PixieFarts
Rose-Got a new present today Thorn-being annoyed by my brothers all day Bud-Having a sleepover with my friend tomorrow |
1 year ago by Tikilishi
🌹Wow! I didn't expect anyone to find my rose-thorn-bud game! (I couldn't even find it myself, I honestly thought it was deleted somehow lol!)🥀 I don't like the way I worded the rules of the game, lol. I feel like it doesn't sound welcoming, and isn't as explanatory as it could've been. 🌱 I didn't realize the second game that @fishyknots made has so many awesome replies! I'm really happy people like it so much! That actually makes me super happy and I look forward to reading all the replies. ⋆ (Also, I want to mention that I did not create this game from my mind, I learned it at an event!) ⋆ (And I like your wording much better @fishyknots, I like how you expanded on thorn!) |
Bracelet King
1 year ago by fishyknots
@Tikilishi thank you!!