Pattern BinderKeeper?.. 🤔
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by funkyXtina
I’m interested to know if anyone keeps a journal or binder with the patterns they’ve done or make all the time? I’m thinking about making something like this as a hard copy to have forever.

If you do have something similar could I see yours and maybe get some ideas on how to set mine up?
2 years, 2 months ago by soka_snips
i do!! i started keeping printed out patterns and notes on them in a binder. i only have about seven so far but i like it.
2 years, 2 months ago by Lena-chan
I have a small notebook that i use to note the color number of DMC threads that i use in my patterns! that way i can find which colors i used in which pattern in case i want to recreate it or what to use the same colors for a different project. Adding pictures to it would probably help too or having something similar on a digital form. But it's still pretty useful!
2 years, 2 months ago by spyderwebs
ooh this is such a good idea! i’m absolutely going to start doing this! i think i’ll print the patterns out and like glue them in a scrapbook with a picture of the photo i post and some notes, i’ve done something similar with other art projects and it worked really well ☺️
Bracelet King
2 years, 2 months ago by TKEStrong3
i keep the patterns i have printed off in a ziplock bag (bad setup, don't do that) in the drawer i keep a lot of my bracelet stuff in, And have been meaning to transfer them to a binder or something sometime soon.
I write the date i make that pattern, who it was for, ir it was a bookmark or zipperpull or whatever, and sometimes the colors i used.
Bracelet King
2 years, 1 month ago by bluesky716
I kind of had a hard copy of patterns I want to keep forever let me explain I have a graph paper composition book and it was a book of drawn out patterns that I liked enough to wanna maybe make again how ever the book fell apart and I lost some of my pages does anybody know of a better way to keep them together