Bracelets for bookmarks things to definitely make into your bookmarks
Bracelet King
5 years, 3 months ago by Pawsknot
Hey welcome to this forum

In this forum I tell you thing that I have made with my bookmarks rather it be loops ends or the pattern itself
First things first make a loop rather it be a basic loop or a teardrop loop make a loop you never know when it will fall somewhere you can get to and make it big enough that you can easily slide a hanger though and the part that is on a rod to hook it
Secondly make a interesting pattern that makes you want to open the book
Thirdly if your pattern ends in a triangle make triangle ends if you like them they will make them last longer and have more use and you do not need to make it super long how tall books are ranges so a save length is 4 inches but it can be shorter or longer
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by 89dmilmfb
Bracelet King
5 years, 2 months ago by Pawsknot
No problem I love making book marks so I thought make a forum for them