Calling all 💦SWIMMERS💦
2 years, 7 months ago by PandaParty
Hi! This is my first year doing summer swim. I have questions. If you don’t want to answer questions, just chat 😀1. I just got disqualified in my last meet 3 times. Disqualified means you did the stroke wrong (I only had 5 events) I did everything but freestyle wrong. 🙁 2. What is your favorite events? Mine is the medley relay or freestyle. 3. Is swim hard for you? What distance is your favorite or most you can do? 4. Do you do swim year round? 5. The meet that I did bad on (stated in question 1) was my first ever meet. I’m very nervous for the next one and I feel like quitting. Any tips? |
2 years, 7 months ago by xc2024
im a xctf runner but for meets just enjoy them. in hs/ms you race so much that you cant hate meets and enjoy swimming/racing. everyone is gonna get dq at some point and just work to prevent that but also have fun!!
2 years, 7 months ago by xc2024
also i dont swim cause i lack the ability to have good form in anything and love running more but im sure the next meet will go better, also im friends with a lot of swimmers and once you get older you tend to specialize in one or 2 strokes so just do the best you can!
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by Ciao
Hi!! I started to swim just last summer, then I took a break in the fall and winter but every since April I have been swimming again and I've been planning to do it all year round now. I haven't swam in a meet since last summer (last summer I was on a YMCA team I think, or the YMCA let them use the pool or something), so I was able to do meets (even though it was my first time and I barely knew how to do the strokes), but now I am on a pre-team at a club (no meets, just practices). Now I've been learning proper form and stuff, and soon I am going to be moving up to the actual team which is very exciting! Freestyle is probably my favorite stroke. Backstroke I always get water up my nose, I don't really understand how to do breath stoke, and butterfly is really hard. Swim is pretty hard for me. In the beginning of this season I could barely swim a 100 without having to stop and catch my breath but just the other day I swam a 500 without stopping once!! And I don't have many tips for meets, as I was always the slowest person ("Mom I got 3rd place", "How many people were you against?" "Two") , but you just have to keep going and try your hardest during practices, and one day you will be the winner!! Coming up into the middle of the season I was probably the 3rd fastest on my pre-team, and now I honestly can't wait to go to meets and see how I do!!! 2. What is your favorite events? Mine is the medley relay or freestyle. 3. Is swim hard for you? What distance is your favorite or most you can do? 4. Do you do swim year round? 5. The meet that I did bad on (stated in question 1) was my first ever meet. I’m very nervous for the next one and I feel like quitting. Any tips? |
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by tkd2010
i used to do swim. (i didn’t like it) (i play other sports and wasn’t good at first but i love playing them and worked hard and i’ve gotten a lot better) i quit so i might not be the best person to take advice from but…. i would say if you like it stick with it. no one is good at first you have to practice. if you don’t enjoy it what’s the point of doing it? there isn’t . your just going to get more and more frustrated and lack motivation. and you said you hit dq,it was your first meet just take it slow and practice. and REMEMBER hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard! you’ll get better if you practice and stick with it (if you like it of course). i hope this helps and you feel better abt this.
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by i_pinecone
2 years, 7 months ago by AstroNox
Heeey! Swimmer of 8 years. I recommend you stick with it! First meets almost always suck so I wouldn’t have that dictate your year. Look back on what you did to get disqualified and work on it. Your trying to improve and the whole per pose t
2 years, 7 months ago by AstroNox
Purpose is to improve so look at your mistakes and work at it. I wouldn’t get discouraged and I would look at my mistakes and improve. The first year is the hardest.
2 years, 7 months ago by AstroNox
2. My favorite is Butterfly
2 years, 7 months ago by AstroNox
3. it can be difficult but I love challenges. My favorite is probably 50 but my most could probably be a 200.
2 years, 7 months ago by AstroNox
4. I flip flop, I don’t always do it year around but sometimes I do 5. Like I said, it was your first meet! You can always improve during your season and it will become easier as it goes on. If your nervous (especially from dqing) talk to a coach or other swimmer and see the main issues. That was a lot of events for your first time. Try sticking to the ones your confident in (ex. Freestyle and medley) don’t rush it! Swimming takes time to get better. Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t winning ribbons on your first meet or even your first year. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Keep at it! I bet your doing great (also sorry about all the different posts, I kept on hitting enter out of habit)