2 years, 7 months ago by booknerd04
Soooo my problem is that I don’t if I should tell( let’s call her Nala) that I have a crush on( let’s call him Lucas). Now she just entered my friend group which consists of Daniel, Jenny( Lukas twin sister), and me. Nala had a crush on Lukas and kinda does bc on the banquet that we had on last Friday he asked her to dance. But Nala has a boyfriend and they have been dating for 2 months but then when I asked her if she still likes him she said no but if something happens with her bf she might. But I really really like Lukas and I think he might like me plus most people ship us bc at the banquet we danced A LOT. And Jenny said he was talking about me after the banquet and that I had a huge shot with him and he was complimenting me and he even gave me a gift for an event we had during Christmas and I always over hear him talking about me with his friends in the past( which also includes Nala) BUT he’s been avoiding me recently. SO WHAT DO I DO???
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by tkd2010
Do you trust Nala? What I mean by that is do you trust her with knowing you like him. will she back off and stick to her bf or go after him no matter what. Nala doesn’t seem very committed from what you put. I think if you think you should tell her and she won’t try to ruin anything then tell her. Now if you think it’ll just start drama and make things complicated then don’t for now at least. Abt him avoiding you he might just be nervous (you said he might like you) or he’s going thru stuff and needs some time or he just lost feelings (if he ever had any). Nala might just be jealous but idrk. I wish the best for you and if you need any more help just @ me! Hope this helps 💛
2 years, 7 months ago by booknerd04
@tkd2010 tysmmmm this really helps!!!
Bracelet King
2 years, 7 months ago by tkd2010
Ok good! I’m glad I could help and wish you the best!💛