Some Bracelet making/selling advice needed!
2 years, 8 months ago by blue_99
I'm pretty new to the whole friendship bracelet making community, so i hope im posting this in the right place. after i learned how to make bracelets i started making a bunch for my friends, and after a while instead of me just *giving* people bracelets, they started asking me for them. At first i was completely fine with it, but its been a few months and people are still asking for them. I've debated about selling bracelets irl to my friends a few times, but I've never really came to a solid conclusion on if i should or not, so does anyone have any advice on this?
2 years, 8 months ago by kathallin
I would sell then since people are asking for them! Not everyone will want to pay so you’ll have less bracelets to make! And you’ll make some extra money from the people that are willing to pay 🙂