Boy problems.... (and crush stories!!)
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by knot2shaby
ok so usually im not one to put a ton of personal info online, but what the heck

So there is this guy i like thats only in my gym class. My friend pointed him out cause she thought he was cute, and i noticed him. During our health unit, we sat next to each other for a few weeks. We chit chatted, and he seemed really nice.
now he doesn't even know i exist...
what do i do?

leave some advice for people with crush problems, a story about a crush (failed and successful) or anything u want

I cant talk to my best friend a bout cuz hes a buy and is friends with the guy...
oki byeeee
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by Denver
I am quite clueless on what you should do, but I wish you luck 😊
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by tkd2010
I would just talk to him and get to know him better bc if he has a bad personality then you might change ur mind. Idk this is just what I would do if I were you😂
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by tkd2010
And I’m having a bit of a problem as well. So I haven’t told any one this but I THINK I might be Bi. But the thing is idk. So I have this one friend who is bi and I think I might like her. But I don’t know if it’s just cuz we’re friends or if I actually like her. The thing that made me question tho is I have friends (girls) that I don’t feel this way abt. And we also slap each other’s butts and give big bear hugs and tickle each other as a joke and I don’t ever feel like this (my whole fiend group) she just hits different ig 😂 I’ve never like another girl so I don’t know how this feels. I have another bi friend and I might ask her but there also really close and I don’t wanna make things weird. So idk what to do….😭
2 years, 8 months ago by sips_tea
Hey girlie!! So I know EXACTLY how you feel bc I’ve been in the same situation that you’re in. So boys tend to be like this, you are really good friends and you talk a lot, and then you switch seats and now you don’t exist. You could try to slip him a note saying that you hope he has a great day, or maybe start up a conversation and ask him how his weekend was. I know it takes guts sometimes to go up to your crush and talk to him, but if you are confident enough it can go pretty well (warning: it can sometimes go really well. not all of the time) . Oh, and try to pick a day where he seems happy, not one where he is just kind of in a bad mood. If you wanna tell him you like him, you could wait until the end of the year (if you’re shy like me), or go and tell him now and hope for the best. I hope this helps, and I really hope he will like you back!!! ♥️♥️♥️
2 years, 8 months ago by xc2024
guys do this all the time, like @sips_tea said you can go for it, but like others said guys tend to be closer with you when your around them, like seating chart or whatever, so you could
2 years, 8 months ago by xc2024
talk to him more
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by knot2shaby
thanks guys! best of luck to the both of you!!
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by knot2shaby
@tkd2010 oop the tag didnt work 😂 😂 😂
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by knot2shaby
tysm! I will definitly (hopefully) tell him by the end of the year! good luck with your guy! 😘 😍
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by knot2shaby
yesss tysm
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by tkd2010
@knot2shaby your welcome💛 and I’m not trying to be demanding or anything but if u have time could you please read my comment abt my situation and give advice I’m kinda desperate 😂
2 years, 8 months ago by sips_tea
I think I have a problem as well. So in the beginning of the year I liked this one guy for like 2.5 quarters of the year lol. But he had recently got in a relationship (still with her now) and someone started a rumor that they were gonna break up. He got really upset, and I felt like I shouldn’t like him anymore for some reason. So I went a little bit and then I got a new crush. I used to talk to him a lot and then we switched seats (lol didn’t realize we went through the same thing) and now he doesn’t talk to me at all. Anyways fast forward to this week, I sit next to this guy and we’re “besties” now lol. He’s that one funny loud one that is in the class. Um… now I have feelings for him??? I don’t even know anymore… I don’t know if I still like my crush anymore anyways. But he actually talks to me a lot and ge says that I’m his girl best friend. I think he actually does care about me… I think. So do I like the new guy, or not risk it!!!??? Help meeeeee.
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by HannahB04
I met this guy 6 years ago, and I only interacted with him some. And then I saw him again 2 years later. And now I’m going to college this fall and he’s going there too. What are the odds. I still like him I never really stopped. And I would like to get to know him as a friend only but I’m too awkward even for that. Feel free to give advice, but mainly I wanted to share my crush story. Hehe
2 years, 8 months ago by sips_tea
@HannahB04 hello! I would get to know him more. That way you can get to know him and see what his personality is. (Or to see if he’s a jerk lol)
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by HannahB04
@sips_tea I’m hoping to! We’ll have a few activities together and I’m hoping I’ll be brave enough to talk to him.
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by knot2shaby
Hey! Sorry I was at school! I will reply to all of these in a bit!! ❤️
2 years, 8 months ago by sips_tea
@HannahB04 go for it!! You got this♥️♥️
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by HannahB04
@sips_tea thanks!
Bracelet King
2 years, 8 months ago by knot2shaby
Yes! I also say you go for it! If you mention that you knew him earlier that might be a good conversation starter and you guys might be able to bond over that!
Good luck!!! 🤞