Ummmm... What did I just witness on Disney?!
Bracelet King
3ย years ago by Cassie989
Hey Guys! Hehe... I just saw something that had me say to myself "What did I just witness??!!" Okay so I was browsing Youtube and an add came on for Disney+. I thought to myself, "Oh okay, It is just another one of those adds for Ice Age or Cruella." I was about to skip it when I saw the title and it said; "Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers Movie Teaser Trailer." I was like, "Oh my goodness! I used to love Rescue Rangers! How would this be?" Yeah....It was the most crazy thing I ever saw!!! First of all, the chipmunk's voices now are well... not chipmunk like. They have the voices of men which made it weird for me. Second, they live in a world were animated characters (even anime) and live action people live together which wasn't to weird due to movies doing that before like "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" and "Space Jam." They had MANY Disney cameos but the weirdest thing was that not all the cameos were Disney! "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" was in it! Literally, Chip and Dale were riding Applejack and Fluttershy along with the other characters! It was nuts! If you have not seen it yet then go check it out! Then, let me know what you thought about it! Trust me, I'm not joking!

P.S. I did not think the trailer was awful but it was strange and having the My Little Ponies cameo in it makes me sort of want to watch it! Hehe!! ๐Ÿ˜‚
It comes out May 20th 2022.