Help with friends.
2 years, 11 months ago by _VernyKnot
Hi guys,
So, I’ve been homeschooled for a while and I don’t have any irl friends. I have really been wanting to make some friends, but it’s hard for me because I’m bad at taking to people and idk to start a conversation or go up to someone and say something. Pathetic. I know. So if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by ArtsyAnna
So maybe try to find someone who seems lonely or is left out and go up and ask them questions about themselves. I have done it before and it can be scary! But when you ask questions make sure to pay attention. Don’t just ask to ask but listen! If you need some question ideas I have some pictures I could put as me profile picture and you could take a screenshot?!?!?
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by ArtsyAnna
Being homeschooled means it may be hard to find someone but if you look around you will probably find someone
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by loopAloop
Ok I am homeschooled as well, first off you have to understand that it’s hard making friends and you actually will have to feel uncomfortable to make any. First I would say try to go do things, like for me I am on a high school tennis team…. Yeah that’s basically it lol. But I mean just try to go out and adventure a little bit. And like artsy Anna said look around the room or wherever you are and just see who is not talking to anyone and introduce yourself
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by loopAloop
And if I am being honest here I literally only have like 2 friends both living more than 8 hours away, but just by introducing myself I have gotten a small network of people I know… and that really helps with feeling alone
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by chloe_kh
i recently joined a school where i didn’t know anyone. i would recommend joining an activity. most of the time when you join something, everyone will have that shared interest which makes getting to know people easier. also remember that most people are nice and if you go up to someone, they will most likely be friendly! it can be hard and uncomfortable at first though
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by chloe_kh
even though you are homeschooled, you might be able to join a local sports team or club
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by Cirivere
I've once heard someone descibe it as "people mostly become friends because they often see each other in the same place" which can mean school, a sport club, a hobby course or similar spots.

Maybe you can ask your parents if you can join a sport? like badminton or something? It'll help you become familiar with the same group of people, and if you gather the courage to talk to someone you can surely become friends.