friend help
2 years, 11 months ago by 61805327
Ok so I’m friends with a guy and he texted me in September that he regretted something and that I would find out the first day of school. I did not so I texted him asking what it was and he said ‘well you don’t get that info’ so I say ‘why not’ he says ‘cause something bad would happen’ so I say ‘but you told me I would find out’ he says ‘All I'm gonna say is if someone read there Text u would know’ so I read through them and nothing so I say’ U never told me’ he says ‘I won't 🙊’ I say ‘And what's gonna happen if u tell me’ he says ‘I won't do it don’t matter’ I say ‘Clearly it dose or u would have told me’ he says ‘Well It does but if it stays un noticed I'm fine’ so I say ‘So you think I'm gonna tell ppl’ he says ‘Well no it's someone else I'm worried about’ I say ‘ and who’ he says ‘ I'm not saying’ I say ‘Bc the person might get in trouble?” He says no so I say ‘ So u might get in trouble or are you scared’ he says ‘ no well kinda’ I say ‘so ur scared’ and he says ‘I guess’ so then I say about what the person might do or say’ he says maybe so then I say’Well if u really don't want to tell me it's fine just try not to regret it please’ he says Okie dokie artichokie

I’m really confused about why he halfway told me. I really want to help him but idk how to. Any help? Thanks for reading
2 years, 11 months ago by xX_dIb_Xx
Got any “real-life” friends? They would be better for this type of situation 🙂 If you do not have any “real-life” friends, then that is very sad and I will be happy to be therapy to you 😊
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by PugCakePop
at this point idk if you can persuade him anymore. If they want to tell you, they will, if they don’t, they won’t 🤷‍♀️ honestly the best thing you can do is move on and don’t focus on this too much cause if you do it’s gonna take up a lot of your time, and that’s time wasted in the end.