Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by Maky_Wacky
We can share our experiences and what we have had done etc. Also share advice for the people who are still needing to have stuff done(like me lol). Please be very honest, like how painful and stuff like that. I’ll go first. So basically I have an overbite, and right now I have spacers in my mouth. Then in a few weeks I’m going to be getting an expander and a herbst appliance( I’ve never heard of it ) and I’ll have those two for 1 year. Then I’ll get braces for 2 years after that. But I’m kinda sad because if everything goes exactly like the orthodontist said it will I won’t be getting my braces off until I’m 17. 🙃 |
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by loopAloop
I have just had braces, honestly there not that bad like a little painful, mostly at the beginning, but otherwise totally good
2 years, 11 months ago by sftball011
My teeth were pretty straight to begin with. We got an appointment with 2 different orthodontists to see what each of them said I needed. The first one said that I need an expander for 3 months with braces for about 14 months. The second one said that I didn’t need an expander but I needed braces or Invisalign for 12-18 months. We went with the first one because I only had to go in for an appointment every 11 weeks instead of 6.
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by Maky_Wacky
@sftball011 and @loopAloop thank y’all for the feedback! I also have pretty straight teeth, the only thing that is wrong(besides my over bite and narrow top jaw) is my 2 front teeth have a gap, and my 2 bottoms teeth are the slightest bit crooked. 😌
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by ArtsyAnna
There are bad days and good days! It just depends on how bad your teeth are! Mine aren’t that bad there are some days that hurt but not to bad for me. I had spacers and got some brackets popped off and I think that was the worst other then when I just got I got them put on.
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by 141594
Actually just went to the orthodontist yesterday! They just added some bracket to the back top teeth not too bad but can be painful at random points. They told my parents that cold ice cream would help so hehehehehehe. I actually just lost a tooth a couple days ago b/c the orthodontist said it needed to go so yeah. When we go there they said that some fragments of the tooth were still stuck in my gum and that they had to remove them or else i could get an infection. I was really nervous that it was gonna hurt so i told them to put more numbing cream on. I really didn't want to keep the fragments they said that it was like splinters in your gums and that doesn't sound fun. turns out it wasn't so bad so all the suspense for nothing. (sorry this is so long)
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by Maky_Wacky
@141594 oh wow!! That’s interesting! Yea, today I also went to the orthodontist to take out the spacers and do a mold of my teeth. I was so scared, I was literally shaking in while I was laying down, but I’m hoping people just thought I was cold. 😂 anyways, they also did these loop things that the herbst appliance will be connected too, and they had to try several sizes, and every time they’d put them in and take them out I was squeeze my eyes closed so much because I thought it would hurt so bad but it didn’t hurt at all. 😂
2 years, 11 months ago by 29smithc
I just got my braces tightened yesterday, they kind of hurt. 😢
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by ella_yee
@Maky_Wacky heyy!! actually i know what appliance your talking about!! I had something similar to it but it was called the MARA or something. It takes time to adjust too because your brain is training you to bite differently but after a week you should be able to eat normal again. Your making the right choice to fix your overbite now so you don't have to get jaw surgery. Good luck and I hope this helped you in some way!! ❤️
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by ella_yee
@Maky_Wacky I had braces for 2 and a half years and the mara for 1 year. My teeth wouldn't grow in lol so that's why I had to have them for so long. I had to get surgery to get part of the gum removed but that didn't hurt that much! ❤️
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by clare10
I have braces now, and I think I'm gonna get them off pretty soon.I had an 𝖎𝖒𝖕𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊 (My canine was stuck because it had no room to grow in) causing the baby tooth to be stuck so I had to get 6 teeth pulled, then braces and a chain to pull that canine down.(srry for the orthodontic talk I'm OBSESSED with this stuff 😂 ) They don't hurt too bad, if you have high pain tolerance. If you don't, just take something and it should feel better within 2-4 days. Sorry this is long lol
2 years, 11 months ago by LunarScar
Hi there!I have crooked teeth and a large overbite, and I will have to have surgery if braces don't work. I got top braces on Monday and they are going to add a device called Herbst as well so any feedback on that device would help me out too! and then bottom braces. since only my front teeth were crooked those are the teeth that hurt the most. I have heard of spacers but am not sure if I will need them |
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by Maky_Wacky
@LunarScar oh my goodness wow! I hope you don’t have to have surgery. I haven’t gotten the herbst appliance in yet, they said March 1st. I don’t when ur getting the herbst appliance, but if it’s after March 1st I’ll let you know how it goes and stuff. Also, do you know why u have such a big overbite? I have one because I sucked my thumb.
2 years, 11 months ago by xc2024
had braces for like 2 years, wasn’t bad but i have a crazy high pain tolerance. i also had to get 4 teeth pulled and the numbing stuff didn’t do so well so that was rough. now i’m on getting an implant for a baby tooth that they pulled for some reason, that there was no adult tooth behind. the guy that pulled it claimed there was an infection but he retired and the new guy says there wasn’t one so… my teeth are really just awful 😣
2 years, 11 months ago by xc2024
@Maky_Wacky same thing happened to my sister, she got used to it after a week, and sucked her thumb a lot
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by SmileSnake
My teeth are okay so the orthodontist said to just get braces. They do hurt at the beginning and when they tighten them, but otherwise it's okay! I just ate very soft foods the first day I got them.
2 years, 11 months ago by LunarScar
@Maky_Wacky,Honestly, I have no idea why I have such a large overbite. I never sucked my thumb, or had any ortho-related habits that would affect my bite. Nobody in my family has ever had braces, or any ortho problem. I get my herbst appliance over the summer, so let me know how yours goes. Thanks! |
Bracelet King
2 years, 11 months ago by Maky_Wacky
@LunarScar I definitely will let yk how it goes!
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by Maky_Wacky
@LunarScar Hi! I got my herbst appliance about a week ago. I actually have had NO pain, except it kinda stretches ur cheeks out a little bit, and it gives me some sores on my mouth too, but that's not to painful. My orthodontist said my jaw was probably going to hurt a lot, but so far no pain.
Bracelet King
2 years, 10 months ago by peanutsv
When you first get them, they ARE the devil! but after that they are fine in my opinion people exaggerate the pain- fellow bracelet maker with braces, springs, powerchain, and rubberbands!