Helix peircing
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Annie_Whe
hey yall im thinking about getting a helix piercing and i am wondering if anyone could share their experience with it. On a scale of 1/10 pain level, would you recommend it, and how is aftercare?
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Zaan_13
Hi! I don't have a single helix but I have an industrial piercing so I can give u some points from my experience- I got my industrial in 2013 and I still have it, I love it sm! helix piercings are super cool, and there's such cute jewellery for it too - so I defo think it's worth it!! 😄 - Pain depends on your tolerance, but I'd say it's like a 4? It only hurts in the moment and for a week or so your ear is just sore, the best way to describe it is like 'you know your ears exist for a while' haha - Aftercare would depend on what your piercer says, but the general routine is warm water + sea salt w/ a q-tip or cotton ball to clean it am + pm (no need to turn the jewellery or anything), and ofc never touch it w/ dirty hands. Try your best to not sleep on that side for as long as you can, and take care with your hair so it doesn't get tangled in it. Helix piercings take a whileee to fully heal, like 6-12 months? I think you might need to avoid pools/beaches as well after you get it done. Piercing bumps are also super common but there's nothing to worry about, they will go away w proper care (crushed aspirin + water to make a paste is a lifesaver) |
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Annie_Whe
@Zaan_13 thank you! I think i will be trying to get a piercing early spring due to sports and such.
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by nev_m_07
I don’t have a helix piercing, but I know friends who do. I’ve asked them about it, and they said that it hurts a lot for a really long time. I know someone who’s had it for over a year, and she said that it still hurts to take it out. Also, if you’re in sports, I’d recommend to get any new piercings over the summer so that the healing period won’t interfere with any rules your coach might have in place.
3 years, 2 months ago by xc2024
don’t have a helix piercing, i’ve heard similar things as @nev_m_07 but maybe even talk to the coach, if it’s something you could have to take out, and be like “i’m trying to plan around this, when would be the best time to avoid practices/tournaments/anything i can’t have piercings for or something. i’d hate having to plan that around sports seasons, it can be so hard to find a couple of down weeks, but i’m a runner so taking out my earrings isn’t something i worry about lol
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by derin16_
i have a helix piercing and i def recommend getting one! i got it about a month ago and although i still cant sleep on that side, i can lie on it sometimes. the pain is slightly higher than earlobe piercings so id give it a 4/10. the aftercare isn't cumbersome either. if u clean it regularly for like 2 weeks, it shouldn't get infected. also, i got mine with a piercing gun but getting it w a needle causes less trauma to the skin even though i've heard that it is more painful. hope this helps and feel free to ask me more questions if u have some (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by rjmd17
@Annie_Whe I got my helix pierced about 2 1/2 years ago and I absolutely love it! As for pain, I heard before I got it that it hurt a lot to get it pierced, but I honestly didn’t even feel it when I got it done (I have a pretty high pain tolerance though). So on a scale of 1-10, probably a 1, maybe a 2 at the most. It was only sore for a couple days after as well. I got mine pierced at Icing (a branch of Claire’s) and they had a specific solution that was included with my piercing that I had to use for 6 weeks. It does take quite a while to heal, especially since I had to take it out every 2/3 weeks for exams (my school is super picky and won’t let any jewelry into the exam room), but besides that I haven’t had any major issues with it! As others have said, try not to sleep on it for a while (I ended up sleeping on it almost right away because it didn’t hurt, and I roll around a lot in my sleep, so that may have prevented it from healing as fast), and you’ll probably get a bump on the back for a while. I only had a small one and it went away after a few months, but some of my friends with new piercings have had bigger bumps. Hope this helps! |
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by Cirivere
I had a helix piercing which sadly healed shut because I am a big dum dum.....Pain wise it was only a tad more painful than my earlobes, I only really felt it when they entered the piercings themselves after getting the needle through. I do however suggest not sleeping on that ear afterward, since it will be sensitive ofc. The aftercare wasn't that bad at all, I was recommended using a sterile saline solution mostly, and the helix is in a relatively easy location to reach and take care of. |