Anyone need to vent?
3 years ago by kdoo2007
Can vent anything here! Can be about anything! <3
Bracelet King
3 years ago by sadnymph
i broke up with my boyfriend on wednesday and im basically over it but hes not doing well at all. i just want him to get over me. we broke up because we wanted different things, as in i was ready for physical affection but he wasnt, even after 17 months. he would also run from problems instead of fixing them. hes a nice guy, but i dont want him to feel bad forever or hurt himself. i genuinely hope he gets over me over christmas break. was it cruel of me to leave him right before christmas break even if it was right for us?
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Elise64
I’ve been insecure about my body for a few years. it started in 5th grade and it was just because of my stomach, but I was never really trying to hide my weight. during 6th grade I was fully remote so I wasn’t as insecure, but now that I’m in 7th grade and back in person, it’s getting kind of bad. I’m insecure about my arms, my legs, and my stomach now and I’m always trying to hide them. there’s this one baggy sweatshirt I have that I really like and honestly it’s one of the only sweatshirts I feel confident in now. even when I’m just in my house I don’t even want to wear any of my other sweatshirts because I don’t think I look good in them and I hate it so much. I realized that some days, I feel good in the outfit that I’m wearing, but yesterday after school, I was wearing an outfit I felt good in the whole day until I looked in the mirror and took off my jean jacket and realized that I didn’t really like how I looked. I’m also really scared to eat in front of people at school and sometimes I just don’t want to eat, but if I don’t eat for a long time i usually feel dizzy or sick since i usually don’t eat that much for breakfast. I’m also scared of packing meals for lunch because I’m scared that everyone’s judging what I eat. its kind of gotten to the point that I am scared to eat in front of people even at home because of that and sometimes I feel guilty for eating.i want to cry but I can’t, it’s hard to explain but I feel things but I also don’t really get upset about them and I can’t cry about them. it’s kind of that I’m aware that I’m having a bad day or problems and it’s just trapped inside so I’m still kind of upset about them, but I can’t cry. my mom talks to me about what I save to my Pinterest boards a lot recently, she’s kind of concerned for my mental health I think lol but she told me that she looks at them every day. even my sisters thought that was crazy, but she’s kind of gotten me to think that other people have it worse so i shouldn’t be complaining (she always says stuff like “well I could make you delete your account because of this” “well some parents would make their kids give them the passwords to everything”) and some days, i feel like i don’t deserve happiness for feeling like some of the things she does are stupid and sort of toxic.I’m also scared of her sending me to therapy, i don’t really know why I don’t want to go because I talk to random people on the internet all the time about my problems, it’s kind of hard to explain. I also constantly feel like everyone at school is judging me for no reason.
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Elise64
oh god that was really long lmao 😭 you don’t have to read all of that if you don’t want to
Bracelet King
3 years ago by ArtsyAnna
@Elise64 have you tried to work out? I felt really insecure about how I looked into I started to realize I can do something to help. So I looked for an app and found this app called lose weight for women and it has really help! In less then two weeks I started to see improvements. I will say h
Bracelet King
3 years ago by ArtsyAnna
Oops! I will say that not all of it is free but some of it is. You can also personalize things so that if they are to hard or easy you can change the exercise. I would also say that you should try and not compare yourself to others! Hope this helps!
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Elise64
@ArtsyAnna i’m trying to find a workout plan, except I’m scared of working out in front of people and my entire family knows that I hate working out so if I randomly started doing it I feel like they would judge me. someone in my family got an eating disorder once so if I told them it was about losing weight, I’m scared that my mom would say something about it. i don’t think she wants me to be unhealthy either so she would probably be happy but if she knows it was about my looks, I feel like she might say something. I’m still probably going to but I just had to rant about it because my insecurities were getting really bad
Bracelet King
3 years ago by cristelia
It snowed 2 feet where I live. We had to cancel all of our Christmas plans, and I am trapped in my tiny house with all five of my siblings. HELP!!! 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
3 years ago by Lavander
@tw SICKNESS. This is perfect for me atm lol!! I’ve been sick sense dec 14th right after my b-day!!! I got strep and I’ve healed from it but now I have come down with a cold or something like that! I was sick all finals weeks so I had to take 1 final at home and suffer at school with another one! Which was math I got a 60 on!! But that’s okay my over all grade in the class was a high B! Anyhow I just hate being sick. All I ever do is cough and I can’t go anywhere!! My cough is so bad that it gets to the point where I’m almost throwing up!! Life is a bummer atm lol
3 years ago by xc2024
@Elise64 you could join a sports team, it’s typically easier to work out with others, or make a new year’s resolution to be healthier, not necessarily loose weight, but change what makes up the weight, also your mom would be 100% right to be worried about you developing an ed, and remember that most of your grade probably feels like everyone else is judging them all the time, but hardly anyone, if anyone is judging you
Bracelet King
3 years ago by Annie_Whe
@Elise64 Have you tried therapy? Usually schools offer therapy and i used to feel very lost but now i still feel not as lost (idk if this makes sense). Reaching out for help is the 1st step towards feeling better and recovery. Also at school if you feel judged about what you are eating you could try to eat with a group of people that dont make you feel judged or eat in the library/teachers room so some stress about eating is being taken off. You got this, love yourself, and take this day by day <3
3 years ago by kdoo2007
I am glad you guys feel comfortable sharing on this forum! I am always here to talk! You matter in this world!
3 years ago by Doc_a_Lot
@ArtsyAnna thank you so much I got that app and I love it!
Bracelet King
3 years ago by ArtsyAnna
@Doc_a_Lot I am glad you like it!
Bracelet King
3 years ago by loopAloop
My sisters are being jerk faces
Bracelet King
3 years ago by loopAloop