friendzone storytime!šŸ˜¬
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
So Iā€™ve known this guy for about ten years, I grew up with his family and I was great friends with his sister. He used to live ten minutes away, and now he lives 45 minutes away. I had a crush on him back then, and I always assumed that I he knew. So I just got in contact with him again after not talking to him at all for six years. We talked a lot for a whole month, and I felt bad that I hadnā€™t told him the truth about why I had avoided him. He was being super nice to me, and always started conversation with me. So I told him that I had a crush on him back then, and thatā€™s why I hadnā€™t approached him for so long. He then asked me if I still liked him, which I didnā€™t want to lie to him since we were such good friends. I had to admit that I kinda still liked him. He then told that he had only ever seen me as a friend. I was fine with that, since we had grown so close and I didnā€™t want to ruin our friendship. I even told him that. Keep in mind that he has a flirty personality, and all of the girls at my church had a crush on him back when I first met him. So back when I had first reached out to him again he had mentioned that he was friends with a girl and when he told her that he didnā€™t like her back she avoided him. Because I had mentioned to him that someone did that to me. Now after I told him that I still liked him (and told him that I could get over it for the sake of our friendship) he has been super dry, and not starting conversations nearly as much. I have been putting in almost all of the effort, but I donā€™t want to just drop him completely. Especially since Iā€™m still on good terms with his family, and he had been ghosted before. Can anyone give me any advice? Iā€™m so lost on what I should do at this point :/
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by -Liza-
Well at this point, it depends. I mean, if you REALLY like him but think he's being a bit rude you can tell him that. But if you think it'd be better without him you can also say that and just be friends. It sounds like you really like him though and you're trying to make the relationship work. If he wont respect that, then I'd say drop him. You need the feeling to be mutual. I hope everything works out. I'm not much help, sorry.
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by xc2024
he may not even realize heā€™s acting different, or he could just have lots going on. i know when iā€™m stressed i tend to pull back/not talk to my friends as much, just because iā€™m distracted. iā€™d just talk to him, there could easily be something going on that has nothing to do with you, and itā€™s bad timing
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
@-Liza- @xc2024 i think Iā€™m just going to wait and see if he tries to start a conversation with me, and if he doesnā€™t then itā€™s not a big deal. I think after talking to my best friend that my feelings toward him arenā€™t as strong as they used to be. Since obviously people change over time, especially a ten year stretch. If he tries to make conversation, then I will obviously be there for him. But Iā€™m not going to put myself of the stress of just waiting around for him.
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by loopAloop
I donā€™t friend zone guys because none like me haha
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by weirdkiddo
Iā€™m right there with you. Just got friend zoned today by a guy I see literally every school day. Gonna make life so much fun. Thought he liked me, was COMPLETELY wrong, and now feeling sad šŸ‘. But itā€™s fine. I guess.
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by senor
i agree w @-Liza- it sounds like youā€™re putting more into it than he is, and since sheā€™s becoming flakey at a little bit of awkwardness, it doesnā€™t seem like he values the friendship as much as you do. iā€™ve seen it happen where the two people can talk it out bc they both equally care about the friendship. between you and him, it sounds like he doesnā€™t care as much if heā€™s being dryer than normal
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by fuzzyfox
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 2Ā months ago by fuzzyfox
They say you can't help who you like, so I don't know why people think it's so bad to have feelings for someone. It's not like we can snap our fingers and make them go away, yk? šŸ˜‚

Sometimes it's a natural reaction to back off when someone likes you but you don't like them back. Just give him time, and stay you/true to yourself. What he does is on him.
I'd say don't put in so much effort, perhaps. Stay on the good terms with the family, and maybe keep up a convo enough to not let things totally dry up, but also, communication is a TWO way road. If he is not making an effort, then he either needs to explain why or start doing at least a little. Maybe he doesn't even realize he's doing it, maybe he's uncomfortable. You never know, after all, guys think differently than we do. šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤”
I'd say either talk to him about it, or let it be, and stop doing almost all the work. He isn't worth stressing over if he doesn't attempt to keep anything up.

*This is just my opinion, go with your gut in the end. I hope this helps šŸ˜‡ šŸ˜‚ šŸ‘
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 1Ā month ago by loopAloop
@fuzzyfox thatā€™s true also I am 14 so no need to stress lol
Bracelet King
3Ā years, 1Ā month ago by jaygonauk7
@nanny_Ozzy I would say confront him abt it, and say that you do just want to be friends
3Ā years, 1Ā month ago by suppeople
Iā€™ll make this as short as possible. Im the only single girl in my class. We have a small class tho, 6 girls and 12 guys. A guy that was new last year seemed to keep looking back at me and I thought he was flirting, so ig my brain tricked me into liking him cuz I feel hard for him. He found out and I talked with him abt it when I got over it. All my classmates r like brothers and sisters to me and I kinda wanna keep it like that. There is this other guy but he and my friend like each other and idek if I like him, but this is my second time thinking abt it. Back in early November our class took an overnight field trip to a camp called Spruce Lake. We had 20 ppl at that time. Me and my friend were the only two who didnā€™t like someone, and we got abt 3 ppl to confess who they liked that night. And sm abt being there just feltā€¦. Romantic? We all felt it and we even talked abt this with the guys and they agreed. We all just had this weird feeling that sm amazing would happen. Well abt a week before thanksgiving my friend left our school so now Iā€™m the only single one. She has a boyfriend now at her new school, but Iā€™m happy for her. Then this other guy left last month, but he was a year younger than all of us and was the opposite of my type. But yeah, Iā€™m kinda glad I was friendzoned cuz I like things they are rn. Iā€™m finally sorta satisfied with where I am! (Srry this is an eternal story šŸ˜‚)