my guy friend likes me… help!
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
Ok so I know this guy, and I thought I liked him. But I saw so many red flags of what I don’t want in a possible relationship. Finding someone who is dedicated to worshipping God is a top priority for me. He is a super sweet guy, and he is a really nice friend. I’m starting to think that I never really liked him, since the feelings went away almost immediately after realizing just how little he cares about his faith. They just kinda disappeared, and never came back. My feelings toward him are completely platonic now, but I’ve been kinda avoiding him. Ik that he likes me. He never told me, but judging by his behavior I know. I don’t want to lead him on if he thinks that me being nice is flirting. (It happened to one of my close friends) But it’s all just so weird now. How do I keep this guy as just a friend without it being weird since he likes me? I’ve known this guy since 5th grade, and I’ve only seen him twice this whole year, but have talked over text. I just wish we could go back to how it was in 5th grade when it was so much simpler. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!❤️
3 years, 2 months ago by billy_bob6
That’s a really hard situation to be in I hope you are okay. I had a situation like this last year for me it ended with the person trying to end the relationship I was in then I blocked him and haven’t talked to him since I’ve also known him since I was 1 years old and our parents are friends so it’s been hard. I would act oblivious that will be hard but silently hint ur not interested maybe tell him about a fake crush or something that might hurt him but he probably doesn’t know you know. Don’t distance yourself because it will lead to him confronting you about it and he might admit he likes you and make it worse just pretend like you like someone else and avoid confrontation eventually your friendship will go back to normal. I hope that helped also good luck this must be really hard for you.
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Zaan_13
I'm glad you're strong in your faith and won't settle just bc he shows an interest in you now! If he's often flirty via messaging you can be blunt and say you're not comfortable with it. If he's being defensive just remind him not to take it personally, you've been friends for so long you can say you're just telling him like it is / looking out for him before he does it to someone who won't be as welcoming. You could also try to start a convo one day about your religion and relationships which made you confirm that you would like a partner who is also very faithful / maybe mention that you're not even ready for that kind of commitment yet? Ik it's hard bc you've been friends for years and you don't want something like a crush/rejection to get in between that, but hopefully he could understand your POV and keep it platonic without being hurt by it. Good luck! 💕