3 years, 4 months ago by Girl_Pearl
Your starting paragraph is: Melissa and Amy were best friends for over 10 years now. They never had any disagreements and were always happy. Problems arise between them when Amy says she..

I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Make sure to make it interesting! 😊❤️🔥
3 years, 4 months ago by Livilou
Was attracted to Melissa’s ex Billy Blob Broom
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by -Liza-
Then Melissa said she wanted to eat Amy
3 years, 4 months ago by BB_fanpage
But Amy was too fast and she possessed Melissa into obeying her every word. She then made Melissa give her ex’s phone number. Amy decided to text him “…..
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by ts3dancer
“Billy, I am extremely in love in with you. Let’s meet at the coffee shop at 5 tomorrow.”. What Billy didn’t know when he accepted was that Amy was a witch and actually wanted to …………………………
3 years, 4 months ago by foxfacel4
Use Billy as a sidekick/boyfriend to manipulate people. She meets and possesses him immediately so Billy falls at her feet, she changes his appearance and changes his name to Nick Brown, so that her first mission would work, which was.,,,
3 years, 4 months ago by 30collin
Looking for...
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Axolatl
Her missing red boots from grade 3, she was sure a man named Mr. Hu had stolen it from her that time, and she new where he worked. He worked at...
3 years, 4 months ago by Girl_Pearl
A spy company. What she did not know, was that his current mission was to follow her, since some sightings were made with her bewitching "Nick Brown". Mr. Hu was delighted to see that she was looking for him too. He decided to fake being in love with her. Amy fell for it and....
3 years, 4 months ago by foxfacel4
Was about to kiss 😘 him when Mr. Hu shocked her and made her unconscious. Amy woke up in a dark room, and was given a truth potion and she told everything. But she admitted her love 💕 for Mr. Hu was 100% true. Mr. Hu married💍 her by making sure she promises to never do any evil 👿 things again. Amy, obviously, had different plans which were..
3 years, 4 months ago by Lavander
To do evil things. Yes she has feelings for Mr.Hu but were they real feelings or just friendship? Now that she thought about it. Mr.Hu was just a small school girl Crush because he was a bad boy that took her red boots. Amy has to get out! So she got her new red boots she bought from Walmart a few days ago and ran away to...
3 years, 3 months ago by BB_fanpage
Hogwarts, where she restarted her life as a potions professor. But, she found herself constantly looking at the pic of her and MR. Hu, and decided she would find him and apologise, and continue her life as his wife, and a Hogwarts teacher. Mr. Hu accepted, but still wanted to plan a short and temporary revenge on his wife for leaving him. He wanted to make sure it was not permanent, cuz he loved her, but he wanted to make sure she wouldn’t run off again. So he..
3 years, 3 months ago by hiiamyou
Pretended to be on a date with another woman. When he saw that Amy saw him, he apologised and said he would never do it again. Amy was greatly hurt, and wanted to take a revenge on her husband. She then pretended to be kissing another man. Mr Hu. understood she was faking, for revenge, and came straight with her saying he only went on another date for revenge. Any and Mr. Hu didn’t lie to each other or take revenge again. Until Amy was put under a severe love potion, which made her attracted to the worlds greatest movie star, Alyssa Hoffman. She went up to Alyssa, and proposed to her, and Alyssa obviously said yes. Amy broke up with MR. Hu and quit her job, and went to live with Alyssa. She made lots of money and had lots of fame, and was enjoying her life for 5 years, when her potion wore off and caused chaos when…
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by ts3dancer
She went to Alyssa and cursed her, making her ugly, and went to take her place as greatest actress. She has even more fame and money than her wife, since she was a born actress. Mr. Hu found her and forced her to marry him again. Amy said yes, broke up with Alyssa, and lived with Mr. Hu as the worlds greatest actress. Chaos arose again when..
3 years, 3 months ago by priya_254
A competitive actress decided to overtake Amy. Mr. Hu loved his wife and don’t want her to worry about her fame so he brutally murdered the new actress, Barbie, and was arrested. Amy was super sad and was super depressed. What happened next was so shocking…
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by AppleBunny
Mr.Hu broke out, and is….
3 years, 1 month ago by suppeople
Now on the loose in a hot dog eating a chicken outfit. He occasionally likes to switch out with his dumbledore costume, his Batman outfit, and his Dora suit. He went to the store, bought a burrito, and went to the farm to look at goats, when all the sudden a Karen was screaming and running towards him! She threw a…..
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by TKEStrong3
salamander and cried for a Christmas tree that was knocked off a truck. Mr Hu was running away from her when he fell off a cliff and..................
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by Fizzah
And fell into a river which was charmed. Mr Hu felt as if the waves were holding him down making it impossible for him to swim, trying to drown him, when suddenly...
3 years, 1 month ago by _Haylei_
He became unconscious because of the freezing waters and his heart stopped after exactly 2:41 seconds after he hit the water! When he woke up he was in the hospital, it turns out that Amy wanted to get a divorce and when he fell he broke an arm and a leg he also got a really bad concussion and amnesia! Amy didn’t care about me, hu anymore so she found a new man and his name is Max Davidson and he graduated from Harvard college! They quickly got married and…