Vaccinated or not (FRIENDLY) debate/opinions page 4
3 years, 2 months ago by hannybanny
1 & 2Yes I am vaccinated but mainly bc of i wasnt o wouldn’t be able to lots of things like eat a restaurant bc of where I live
3 years, 2 months ago by hannybanny
3 & 4: no, I do not agree with mandatory vaccinations because I live in a free country and I should be able to do the same things as anyone else no matter my vaccine status
3 years, 2 months ago by hannybanny
5 & 6: Yes I wear a mask but I do not agree with it because once again I live in a free country and I should be able to make my own decisions on how I want to protect myself.
3 years, 2 months ago by sftball011
I know I already responded a while ago but another reason I have gotten the vaccine is because it can stop new variants of COVID. Vaccines help the spread of a virus and new variants happen in areas of increased transmission. If there are no new variants, then the pandemic would be over shortly.
3 years, 1 month ago by GeeFee
1. Are you Vaccinated or no?
Yes of course and bolstered as well
2. Why or why not?
For my own safety and to make life for all as safe as possible. Regarding that there are people who can’t be vaccinated and would love to be able to, we all have to secure their freedom as well.
3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations?
Of course, the sooner the better.
4. Why or why not?
Being from a medical family I have close insight in all areas of hospitals. E.g My aunt is chief professor for an intensive care Unit and it’s pure horror! My father, yet retired, works as a doctor at a vaccination center because all manpower is needed.
5. Do you wear a mask?
Always, also on parking lots and when walking through the streets. Safety first.
6. Why or why not?
FFP2 masks need to be mandatory as well as hand sanitizing and enough distance. I hate to see people walking with masks that don’t cover their nose due to sloppiness. Sure, they can breathe in covid virus, their decision, but they endanger the health of other people and others might even die from it. So drastically said this is similar to killing someone.

there is no need for sloppiness, rush or disrespect. we all live slowed down and can take time for our everyday life for the benefit of all people.
I hope that politicians soon will decide for a mandatory vaccination as well as a cut down of freedom for unvaccinated people (apart from those who can’t be vaccinated, e.g. those with cancer during a chemotherapy or other diseases that forbid them to be vaccinated).

Only vaccination and masks will get us back to kind of a normal life.
3 years, 1 month ago by xc2024
1) yes, getting my booster shot today. 2)because i want life to go back to normal and don’t wanna get super sick if i can avoid it. i’ll feel awful from the vaccines to limit the effects of covid on my body. 3) i see it both ways, but i do agree with mandatory vaccinations
3 years, 1 month ago by xc2024
@xc2024 oops to do certain things/go certain places 4) vaccines have been around for a while, they built on existing vaccine stuff, not recreating the vaccine, so i view it as safe, however i see how people can be worried, but i also want life to be normal again 5 and 6)yes i do, especially with the omicron going around, and it’s required for me in school and at work so i don’t get a vote
3 years, 1 month ago by xc2024
@GeeFee people wearing their mask below their nose/chin drives me crazy
3 years, 1 month ago by GeeFee
It’s yet common knowledge, that masks are extremely efficient for omicron, more than for previous variants, all of course with the background of being vaccinated.
Of course there are no long term studies regarding probable problems with the vaccination decades later, but instead of suffering or even dyeing from Covid or suffering from long covid problems I’d always go for vaccination.
For trips abroad where there are mandatory vaccinations people won’t ask for side effect, just because it is a status symbol to do always more and better holidays, but every prophylactic malaria medication got more side effects than most of our vaccines.
Common advice here is to get the standard flu vaccination as well as the specific pneumonia vaccination additionally, it’s to secure the space in intensive care units as well.
Just a few years ago there were 25000 deaths due to a massive flu wave. And every year thousands die from flu.
If smallpox vaccination wasn’t made mandatory we’d still have to deal with it.
And nowadays you won’t get a place in Kindergarten as long as the children aren’t vaccinated against measles and mumps - guess why….yeah, because these diseases are highly infectious.
People harm their bodies more with fastfood, overweight, smoking, alcohol and other stuff than with a vaccination.
At least our politics today decided for more restriction for people without vaccination and for more freedom for those being boostered. A clear signal and I am very happy for that.
Honestly in my personal opinion it’s not a personal free decision getting vaccinated or not as long as I risk to harm other peoples lives.
Sorry for another long message
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by happypuppy
I am (1 because I’m only 11) because I don’t want o
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by happypuppy
I don’t want to die, yes totally, because it keeps us safe, yes, same as all of the whys!
3 years, 1 month ago by OwObama
1. Are you Vaccinated or no?
Yes, I'm double dosed and have had my booster shot as well.
2. Why or why not?
While getting the vaccine doesn't PREVENT getting covid, it does make your immune system much better prepared to defend against it. My family has a history of asthma and breathing issues so as soon as the vaccine was made available we all went to get it.
3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations?
I do.
4. Why or why not?
Mandatory vaccination isn't a new thing, and it helps the entire population in killing off covid quickly. It's selfish to claim that "only a small percent of people die from it". Even such a small percent, when compared to the billions of people living on earth, is millions of actual people. Just because something doesn't directly affect you doesn't mean that you have zero responsibility to stop it.
5. Do you wear a mask?
6. Why or why not?
It contains the spread of covid, and i feel more comfortable with my face behind a mask. I'm autistic and having to deal with keeping my facial expressions in check all the time and reading people's faces is exhausting. The mask covers my face so I don't have to worry about it as much, and it forces people to clarify things that would usually be conveyed through expressions only. If I misunderstand a social cue, I can usually blame it on the mask and people understand.
Bracelet King
3 years, 1 month ago by Deuken
1. Are you Vaccinated or no?
2. Why or why not?
I'm vaccinated because I work in an assisted living facility and was required to be vaccinated.
3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations?
4. Why or why not?
Vaccinations are meant to help protect you and others against viruses.
5. Do you wear a mask?
6. Why or why not?
I wear one because I'm really worried about the new variants and lots of people around me are getting sick.
3 years, 1 month ago by suppeople
3 years, 1 month ago by suppeople
1. I’m not vaccinated. 2. I just want to be cautious of the future and most vaccines don’t come out til after 20 yrs of testing and there’s so many vague areas. 3. I mean it depends on the job/Situation. 4. My mom had to get hers bc she’s a nurse but she was probably gonna get it anyways. My dad also got his bc of his job but he was at home. So it all just depends. My brother and I aren’t vaccinated nor do we want to be. He’s had covid twice and I haven’t gotten it. But our family rlly wants to go on a cruise this year but vaccination is required. 5. No. 6. I don’t wear a mask unless it’s necessary, like dance. Our school doesn’t require it this year cuz our school is small.
3 years, 1 month ago by acsoccer
1. no.
3 years, 1 month ago by emma_07
1. Yes, I’m vaccinated (I also got my booster)
3 years, 1 month ago by emma_07
Oops I didn’t finish😅 2. I got vaccinated because I believe it is for the best for myself and those around me 3. Sort of, but if you are allergic or have deadly reactions, then you shouldn’t have to 4. I think that we should do our best to get this pandemic under better control, and vaccines are a way to possibly achieve this 5. Yes 6. I wear a mask because I don’t want to get covid, and if I were to have covid, I wouldn’t spread it to others
3 years ago by kath_rine
this thread is old, butt

1 no
2 because im healthy and my brother still got covid after getting it
3 no
4 because not everyone needs it
5 depends if its required
6 its uncomfy and i'd rather show my full face
3 years ago by Johanna7
Yes I'm fully vaccinated. I got covid 19 inbetween my two shots and almost died from it. I'm still having to recover with physical therapy and my lungs are very weak. I feel you should be vaccinated due to the fact there are individuals out there thst cant get the shot due to other illnesses or have other illnesses that raises their risk of becoming very sick from covid and could die from it. I do wear a mask in public because I also have lung issues and asthma. I know that since I had covid 19 before that I am less likely to get again but Inwant to take no chances on getting it again so i wesr a mask.