Vaccinated or not (FRIENDLY) debate/opinions page 3
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Maky_Wacky
My face break out, it’s hot, and plus it’s not
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Maky_Wacky
Mandatory anymore. Omg sorry there’s so many message!! It’s an accident 🙊😬
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by violinwitc
@Maky_Wacky hi, vaccines are never made with “aborted fetal cells.” That’s a myth.
3 years, 3 months ago by greenneedl
1. Nope
2. In my country people can get vaccinated only if they're 18 or older, so I'm waiting
3. I'd say that I do
4. Ok imagine that you're a president of a country, there's this terrible disease and people are dying - what are your actions? How to save everyone? That's how I started a conversation with my dad when he was complaining about vaccination. I do understand that some people are afraid (especially if we're talking about covid as it's sooo new) but I don't think that people would make vaccination obligatory if they aren't sure about its safety
5. Of couse I do!
6. Because it's one of the ways to protect not only yourself but also other people. I wish everyone would wear a mask, honestly! I think about it every time I commute to school in a bus full of people without masks or any other protection

hope everyone's ok! stay safe!
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Love_Fox
@SusuKnots ha ha ha ha yeah whoops. Maybe I should have worded that in a different order or something 😂 😂 Thats hilarious
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by rollergirl
Vaccinated! 👍❤️🙂
My mom scheduled it for me, but I wanted to get it to protect myself and EVERYONE around me, especially my brother because he is high risk.
I think they should be mandated for everyone who is able to get them if they have good health.(any thing that would make it bad for them to get it)
YES I wear a mask they’re required! Welcome to California 😂 at school, at church, in stores, etc. I don’t even mind them really. I just dont wear it outside for PE or when I’m eating
Not wearing a mask is basically just saying, come at me Covid! 😬
So please wear a mask, and get vaccinated. ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍
3 years, 3 months ago by CatWerg
1) Nope I'm not vaccinated at all

2)The news coverage on corona and the vaccine is honestly scary and forcing it onto people isn't the way to go about a new, not fully reported, vaccine. Using manipulation from the media to get people to get a vaccine is a obvious sign of some sketchy shiit, also it causes infertility, blood clotting, and heart inflammation so I would rather keep my fertility and not trust the government (they never have your best interest in mind)

3)Vaccines should not be mandatory

4)Mandatory vaccinations is a violation of rights nobody should be forced to get a something they don't want, just look at what's happening in Australia.

5) No i don't wear a mask

6) They don't even work lmfao
3 years, 3 months ago by sftball011
Ummm I’m not trying to argue but just curious about the infertility, blood clotting stuff. Is that like an actual thing because I’m pretty they wouldn’t give it to us if that was a real issue. If it is true though could someone please give me a link or something to an article with scientifically proven evidence on it.
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by GenMalucci
@sftvall011 I can try to find some links for you, it is happening, it’s just not spread around because they want everyone to be vaccinated as soon as possible. If it’s okay with you I’ll pm you some links
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Love_Fox
@ftball011 Hi! I don't know much about all this so I found some or something juts incase you want to see! I don't really have a stand point on that but here you go! ❤️,which%20helps%20clotting%20to%20occur.

Some of these say .org so I guess they are creditable. Not sure, but anyways, hope this helped with what your looking for!
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Love_Fox
@sftball011 Sorry I missed tagged you! Read above!
3 years, 3 months ago by sftball011
Thank you for the information. I just wanted to say that I am happy that we are having a peaceful conversation about this topic and so many people have shared their opinions without any arguments!
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by _dreamer
@1 no I am not. 2: well, all of my family has chosen to not get vaccinated as of now for a few different reasons that I won’t go into but one of the big ones is that no one can know what long term risks can occur. 3/4: no I do not. I actually think it is really horrible that (where I live) we aren’t allowed to do any like rec or anything unless we are vaccinated. It really sucks. 5: I wear a mask where I should like in stores, indoor gatherings and such. But not outdoors unless necessary. 6: we’ll, I honestly think as of now everyone should wear masks(it is required)
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by sandykc_8
I am vaccinated and why I wanted to was so we could be one step closer to ending this pandemic.
I am for the mandatory vaccinations since if everyone is vaccinated, every one is safe 🙂.
And I do wear a mask so others around me can be safer 😊

Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by Denver
1. No
2. Because my mom would still like for the vaccine to be more tested on young people
3. No
4. They should be available, not mandatory
5. Sometimes
6. I go mostly to church (and that is about it) and since it is not obligatory we (my family and I) mostly wear it when we go in and out for respect
I am pretty neutral about the vaccine not necessarily for it but definitely not against it 👍
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by 133382
1. Yes
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by 133382
2. To keep myself and others safe from getting the virus 3. No 4. That is taking away peoples rights 5. No 6. I don’t believe they are adequate in stopping the virus but I did wear them whenever they were mandatory. COVID is not widespread where I live
3 years, 2 months ago by JTSK808
Aloha (Hi) 😊🌸🤙🏼,

1) Yes.
2) My oncology team insisted on it.
3) No, I do not.
4) I have good friends who lost their jobs because they did not meet their mandate (in a couple of cases not even doing weekly negative tests was an option). I would really like if everyone did get vaccinated yet it is not my place to say so.
5) Yes, all the time except with my ʻohana (family) bubble.
6) It is in large in part due to my cancer (Stage IV metastatic breast cancer). I double up, use filters in the cloth masks that have a pocket for them, and KN95/N95 masks at work in my classroom. I need to stay safe AND protect those around me just in case. Thank God I have tested negative so far (and I have had to have many done still before I can do weekly treatment).
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by akanel
i’m vaccinated! at first i didn’t want the vaccine and then i just kinda changed my mind because i knew so many people who have autoimmune diseases and i really didn’t want them to suffer because of me and i wanted everyone to be safe. people should get vaccinated but i don’t think they should be forced to because i wouldn’t want to be forced to get a vaccine for a virus we don’t really know about, I think they should trust that the vaccine is safe and that the government just wants to help and wouldn’t do anything to harm us. yes, i wear a mask but my family is against it. my mom almost never wears a mask and says “if they are mandatory then places should give them to you” but i think that’s just ignorant that she doesn’t think of others’ health and well-being but that’s her choice and no can’t change it
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by LiliaKnots
1. Yes, I am vaccinated!
2. Because it’s the best way to protect me and those around me. I’m doing my part to protect the community and help slow the spread of Covid.
3. I do. Sure it’s your choice to get vaccinated or not, but to go to public places with other people, you should be vaccinated to help prevent the spread of infection and to protect others and yourself.
5. Of course
6. I do because it keeps everyone safe. Sure, it’s not the most comfortable thing ever, but I’ve gotten used to it and now it’s weird to not wear one. If you get vaccinated and wear a mask than you are very safe (never 100% but very safe) and wearing a mask is just the best thing you can do along with getting vaccinated

Getting vaccinated is very important in stopping the spread of the virus and wearing a mask is just as important if not more. If you do choose to remain unvaccinated, please make sure to stay home and don’t interact with others closely. I hope everyone stays safe and make sure to stay happy too! <3