Vaccinated or not (FRIENDLY) debate/opinions page 2
3 years, 4 months ago by gnvbooks
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by minutcraft
1. Are you Vaccinated or no? Yup, vaccinated.
2. Why or why not? I interact with enough high-risk individuals fairly regularly to be concerned, and also because the evidence supports that vaccinated individuals are less likely to develop severe symptoms should they catch the virus (which is important to me)
3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations? I think this really depends on where you live.
4. Why or why not? If you live somewhere that is densely packed (aka it's very easy for a virus to spread and jump around) it would make sense to have such a mandate in order to minimise the spread as much as possible (and avoid overloading the local healthcare system).
5. Do you wear a mask? Yup.
6. Why or why not? It's a requirement where I live. But honestly, I think it makes sense to wear any time one is feeling even just slightly under the weather. I like how it's the norm to do so in places like Japan and Taiwan when you so much as have a cold (even though colds are technically not contagious)
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Caramel04
I'm vaccinated, both because I want to avoid severe infection and because it's important to do your part to stop the spread of the disease and therefore its further mutation so that our current vaccines remain effective. I find vaccine mandates to be pretty necessary because people are way more likely to actually get vaccinated that way. There are still exemptions if people need them for religious reasons and the like and the "freedom" argument falls apart when that freedom puts others in danger because of increased spread of the virus, especially to immunocompromised individuals that are unable to get vaccinated regardless of whether or not they want to. Besides, plenty of vaccines are already mandated; it's not like this is a new idea. Lastly, I wear masks both because it's mandated where I live and out of common curtesy to those around me. It's really not that big of a deal to wear a piece of cloth over my face in order to help myself and others.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Love_Fox
Wow a lot of people are vaccinated. I thought it would be more like 50/50 but thats cool too! 😂 Thank you for everyone who has responded, I love hearing your opinions on this matter! Also, thank you everyone for making this a non argument zone! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by 141594
2. Because I personally think there is no reason not to the research has been very positive so far and I believe the positives far out way the negatives(the fee that there are)
3. In hospitals and community homes yes because it not worth it to risk that many peoples lives but in other situations I’m not sure
4.oops already did this
5. Yes because i thinks it’s a small step to possibly save someone’s life
6.oops AGAIN already did this
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Alop_
It is my choice I believe people at heigh risk should get it, but I am careful and I wear my mask when I should
Some people may not feel safe with it and others can’t because of medical conditions
If a mask is required somewhere I will wear it bc it is a rule, but I don’t wear mine outside
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Alop_
Also I feel like it is more important to vaccinate doctors in 3rd world countries( where they have hardly any vaccines available) than like every person in the us who can get it
3 years, 4 months ago by billy_bob6
1. No
3 years, 4 months ago by billy_bob6
Oops 2. Because I’m still a kid and less likely to get covid. 3. No 4.I think people should be able to chose it should be strongly encouraged for adults and recommended for kids but no one should be forced. 5. When I’m outside I never wear it when I’m inside i wear it if I can sometimes I can’t breathe very well overall i wear it most of the time inside. 6. I think masks help but I also think they are being used as something to pretend that they are doing something to protect you masks work but not as much as they are given credit for but they make people feel safe and comfortable so it honestly depends who I’m with
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by fcb_neymar
1. Are you Vaccinated or no? yes
2. Why or why not? because its one more step for precaution not to get covid
3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations? yes unless they have a medical reason not to get it
4. Why or why not? so pandemic can stop
5. Do you wear a mask? yes
6. Why or why not? because i dont want to get covid
3 years, 4 months ago by smmutch
1. I am not vaccinated 2. I don’t think it really works nor has it been tested enough 3. No yall seem adamant about my body my choice with abortion so why not this? 4. Goes along with my response for 3. 5. No 6. I’m not at risk and again my body my choice
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by mintcookie
1. Are you Vaccinated or no?

2. Why or why not?
I am a healthy young person, so i believe that for me, it is morally right to take the vaccine. Unlike me, a lot of people are unable to take the vaccine (such as those who are allergic, extreme medical conditions, young children). By taking the vaccine, it promotes herd immunity, which means that it decreases the spread of virus such that it is also able to protect unvaccinated people. So to me, it is a National service to be vaccinated.

3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations?
I don’t agree with that.

4. Why or why not?
Freedom of choice is good. People may have reasons to not take it, which I completely understand. The vaccine has not been tested that vigorously due to desperate times, and some people (for example, pregnant mothers) are understandably worried about side effects. But again I believe vaccinations (for those able to) should be strongly encouraged.

5. Do you wear a mask?

6. Why or why not?
Well firstly it’s necessary in my country, by law 😜. But it also decreases the spread of virus, which like I said, it’s about herd immunity to protect vulnerable people in our community.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by -Liza-
1. Are you Vaccinated or no?

2. Why or why not?
Because it keeps me and others around me safe.

3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations?

4. Why or why not?
Like I said, it keeps you and others around you safe. It will stop the spread of COVID-19 faster if everyone gets their vaccines.

5. Do you wear a mask?

6. Why or why not?
Because I feel more comfortable with wearing it than not wearing it.

Remember, these are my opinions! You don't have to agree!
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by bsoftball
1- just got my first one yesterday. 2- I am a minor, so it is up to my parents, but I would make the same decision. I have a not so good immune system, and it protects me. 3- not sure. 4- yes, it is your body, but I wouldn’t feel as comfortable with someone who isn’t vaxed.
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by bsoftball
Accidentally pressed send. 5- yes, but not around people we know and trust and not outdoors. 6- because I feel safer and I won’t get sick as easily.
3 years, 3 months ago by Pine-apple
1.) Yes
2.) I am to protect me and others
3.) yes and no
4.) In certain places like health care yes, because other people are put at greater risk if your not
5.) yes
6.) it doesn’t bother me and it helps protect me so why not

Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by SusuKnots
i keep seeing this forum post and thinking it says "NOT FRIENDLY DEBATE" 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Maky_Wacky
1.I’m not vaccinated and won’t get vaccinated 2. Because some
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Maky_Wacky
Oops because sometimes vaccines are made with aborted baby cells(which I’m against abortion) and also there’s other bad stuff in vaccines, and I have heard a lot of stories about
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Maky_Wacky
People getting the vaccine and getting covid and pneumonia and getting rlly sick. 3. I don’t agree with mandatory vaccinations. 4. Some people don’t believe in vaccines but some do and feel safe if they are vaccinated so you do. 5. I don’t wear a mask 6. I don’t wear one because it makes