Vaccinated or not (FRIENDLY) debate/opinions
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Love_Fox
I just want to start by saying this is a friendly zone. No criticizing people for their opinions! If you disagree say why then just leave it at that!!!!
If someone starts tagging you or being rude DO NOT RESPOND
This is just so we can share our thought and opinions in a kind and friendly way.
Answer the questions below if you want

1. Are you Vaccinated or no?
2. Why or why not?
3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations?
4. Why or why not?
5. Do you wear a mask?
6. Why or why not?

Okay thats it. Please be friendly and no rudeness. These are just people's thoughts and opinions and this is just to share our opinions not to argue!

Everyone's voice deserves to be heard, and every opinions matters! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
3 years, 4 months ago by KnotSusu
1. Yes I am vaccinated
2. Bc i live with my grandparents (and also my parents lol) and they could get really sick if they got corona and they wanted me to get vaccinated
3. Kinda
4. if it can somehow be proven that it's safe to get the vaccine and like it won't kill you in a few years, then yeah it should be mandatory, but otherwise, no bc it could be dangerous and no one knows.
5. Yes
6. bc my grandparents feel more comfortable if i do wear a mask and im used to it at this point so i dont mind wearing a mask anymore
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Love_Fox
@KnotSusu okay, coolio!
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Love_Fox
1. No im not vaccinated
2. I already have high antibodies so not safeness
3. No
4. I don't think it should be forced, but I definitely agree to it being available for whoever wants and need it!
5. Yes most of the time
6. Just cause I have to but I can't really breathe really good much

Okie dokie thats mine! ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by GenMalucci
1. No. 2. Because I don’t feel comfortable getting vaccines and you can still get covid with or without it. (I’ve also had negative experiences with vaccines in the past). 3. No. 4. Because I believe that people should have the freedom to decide their vaccine intake and such. I live in America, I have freedom and I’ll stand up for my rights and my ability to decide what goes into the body I was given. 5. Yes and no. 6. I don’t actually leave the house like 99% of the time, and when I do it’s either church (they say it’s up to you if you want to wear one) or I go on a bike ride, and I’m not wearing a mask on a bike ride. But yeah. I don’t care if other people get it if they want, that’s up to them.
3 years, 4 months ago by instapasta
1. yes
3 years, 4 months ago by instapasta
oops accidentally posted before I was finished 1. yes I'm vaccinated 2. I actually care about other people, refusing vaccines like this is incredibly selfish 3. Yes 4. it protects people who are unable to get vaccinated or who are more susceptible to it (herd immunity works that's why you don't have polio) 5. Yes 6. Same with number 4, it protects people. I think a lot of people who interact on these forums are children so you aren't eligible for the vaccine yet anyways but you will be soon so please get vaccinated, it saves lives. Having access to the vaccine is an incredible privilege.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by stormii
1. Yes I am, I have been since I was able to
2. I want to be safe, not deal with covid, and not spread it around. it makes me feel so much safer and there was no reason not to
3. yes
4. Like I said, I don't see a reason for them not to be put in place.everyone gets the flu vaccine, so why is this different? people just want to be safe.
5. Yes I do
6. My reasons are weird lol but its required in my state, and i don't really like people seeing my full face anymore lmao, also there again is no reason not to and I've gotten used to it
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Fluffball
Prepare for an essay lol

1. Not vaccinated currently

2. It is still in the emergency/experimental use for my particular age group, and my parents want to wait for more long-term data to come in first. I respect their decision because I know the reasoning behind it. As an infant I experienced a very bad neurological issue which we now know was a rare reaction to a certain vaccine (I now have a medical exemption for this vaccine which my neurologist provided) This experience has made my family slightly more cautious, especially since the COVID vaccine is relatively new compared to other vaccines. For clarification, we are NOT anti-vaxxers. I have every other vaccine available to me except for this.

3. No, I think they are a form of coercion.

4. This is something I'm very passionate about. I believe in everyone's right to choose. Especially ordinary people who now can't even eat at a restaurant or go to the movies without showing their papers. This has never happened with any other vaccine before. The restrictions are very bad where I live. I've been kicked out of a few programs I was in (they didn't even provide a Zoom option or anything.) I think this is especially unfair for kids, as it isn't their choice whether to get vaccinated or not, it's their parent or guardian's decision. Excluding them (and anyone, really) from public life is unjust.
Also, mandates don't make a lot of sense to me. Vaccination protects YOU by helping your body produce antibodies, and vaccination has been shown to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death. But, vaccinated people can still transmit COVID to others.
If you choose to get the vaccine because you think that's what's best for you and your health, go for it! I'm glad that it's available to those who want it. 🙂 I just ask everyone to respect my decision as I respect yours.

5. Yes, indoors and when required

6. It's a habit at this point, I just grab one before I leave the house. When it's required I'll put it on, but when given the choice I'll opt not to. I think businesses do have the right to require masks (or not) if they want to.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Fluffball
Also anyone can tag me if you want to ask questions/debate as long as it's friendly. Or private message me if you wanna talk. I am open to hearing differing opinions.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Elise64
1. yes 2. since I’m 12 it’s sort of my parents decision and they told me after they made the appointment to get it but I wanted it anyway because if enough people get vaccinated we don’t have to wear masks anymore 3. I agree that if you didn’t get the vaccination, you should wear a mask 4. it is not taking away your rights, you get to go to the place if you put a mask on. we should all have to do something to help stop Covid, if you can’t/don’t want to get the vaccination you should wear a mask. 5. yes I wear a mask at most places 6. at my school it’s required and I’m vaccinated so I don’t have to at most places but my family wants me to, and tbh it’s not that bad anymore to wear a mask and I’m self-conscious about my face and my chin so it makes me feel a lot better.
3 years, 4 months ago by sftball011
1. I am proud to be fully vaccinated.
3 years, 4 months ago by sftball011
3 years, 4 months ago by sftball011
2. I want to do my part to get rid of this pandemic
3 years, 4 months ago by sftball011
3. I think vaccines should be mandated. 4. The impacts the pandemic is having on this world will last a lot longer then any vaccine side effects. 5. Yes. 6. I want to protect others
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Godluvsu
1. Are you Vaccinated or no? Nope!

2. Why or why not? I don't feel safe getting it yet, I have had family members vaccine injured, and I am concerned by the lack of long term studys.

3. Do you agree with Mandatory Vaccinations? Absolutely not. I believe in choice ❤️

4. Why or why not? I don't believe in forcing medical things, ever! Its a choice you make for your own body. I think these vaccine mandates cause segregation and I am not for discriminating against people for their medical choice. Also, I don't believe its "selfish" to not get vaccinated either, because you can still get and spread covid. Therefore, you get the vaccine to protect yourself from a serious covid case, not others.

5. Do you wear a mask? When people ask me too, but never outside.

6. Why or why not? Wearing masks have given me anxiety (panicky feeling), and there is no solid proof that they are effective against covid19. However, if someone asks me to wear a mask while in their business I will a) respect that, or b) not support their business. If someone asks me to wear a mask outside I simply will leave. I don't cause a scene, I simply am not okay putting a mask on my body, because it is my own body and I have that choice.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by crafter83
I’m vaccinated. And I’m not saying more because I’ll start on a huge rant against, yeah that’s a good place to stop
3 years, 4 months ago by 0207am
1. yes
2. both my parents and I are high-risk patients
3. sorta
4. I think it's important to protect people who can't get vaccinated for medical reasons. but I understand that some people will see it as an infringement of freedom (?)
5. yes!
6. it's still required in my country but I would wear one anyways, to protect myself and others. since it would be pretty dangerous for me not to wear one even though I'm vaccinated
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Love_Fox
Thank you for everyone who has responded so far! I love hearing your opinions and reasons why or why you didn't! And thank you everyone so far for keeping this friendly! I love seeing all your thoughts on this global issue! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by allialexis
1. Yes!
2. It makes me feel so much safer and I think it was best to do this for my family, since I used to visit my great grandmother when she was still here and I didn’t want to put her at risk. I also see my grandparents often and I have a baby sister so it was the best decision.
3. Mostly yes!
4. The more people who get this, the sooner this pandemic will be over. Some people are saying it’s taking away their freedom, but then are also trying to take away others freedom and choices of what to do with their body, which I find extremely strange and funny.
5. Yes
6. It makes me feel safe and it helps others feel safer so I am okay with it. I’m also used to it now so it’s strange to go out without one. Even though I don’t have to in most places, I know it will help prevent anything from happening so I always wear one, even if I am outside with my friends at school or I’m going on a walk or bike ride I always wear mine in case I cross someone in the street.