strict parents
3 years, 3 months ago by _giraffe
y’all know get around a for strict parents/ sneaky things u do? or just wanna rant thats cool too
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by braceletmk
OMG my parents wont let me have a phone or any electronics until I'm in high school (I'm in 7th grade now) and even then I am not allowed any social media or apps its only for texts and calls.
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by GenMalucci
@braceletmk phones are overrated and social media is extremely toxic to teens. I got my phone when I was 12 and it’s good to be able to feel safe and contact people, but you can get addicted really fast, enjoy your time without one, because it’s hard to lower the amount of time you spend on one once you get it
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Godluvsu

ok hear me out on this...

I didn't get a phone until I was 13. I am glad I have it for texting, but I find myself having so much less time with a phone. I really wanted one when I turned 12, but now I realize I didn't really need one. (although I texted on my computer at that age, so that might help.) The most annoying thing is not being able to text when you don't have a phone, and I honestly get how much it sucks when everyone around you is on their phone but you, but just saying enjoy all the free time you have without one, its kind of freeing to not have a phone. Super annoying though I get you 😄
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Godluvsu
I do have strict parents! I don't really sneak anything though, because obvi that ain't gonna build trust, yet they still don't trust me with anything so whatever. It doesn't matter how much I try to let them stalk me or promise promises I actually will keep to get to do something, they don't care. They are determined to shelter me. When I have kids I will have a balance. They will be smartly protected and safe, but not unnecessarily, I want my children to feel like I value what they care about and trust them with responsibility. It just sucks because my parents always try the "we do trust you, but that doesn't matter in this." They always tell me I am responsible but never let me have responsibility 😂 can anyone relate?


yes it is sooo toxic. I wish social media doesn't exist. I wish we were back to the days when there was no insta snapchat facebook tiktok etc, social media SUCKS. (pinterest rocks for art though 😜) I don't even want social media, (im not allowed to anyways) I just don't want to be left out of my friend circle which is how it is these days. My least favorite sm is snapchat because when you are talking to your friend and they are constantly snapping their other friends it is so disrespectful, and awkward for you! most people are so used to it they don't think about it anymore, but like please just look me in the eye and have a conversation without touching your phone.
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by GenMalucci
I’m honestly thinking about ditching the whole phone thing. The settings get messed up and it’s blamed on me when I seriously don’t do anything. We set an agreement and I’m fine with it, they can see my search history, what apps I’m using, and other random things. But phones are seriously toxic and frustrating. @Godluvsu same here. I don’t do anything to make them not trust me, with the limits set, I can’t actually do anything that would break the rules. I find it frustrating that the level of trust is so low. Strict parents can create fantastic liars. I wouldn’t exactly call my parents “strict” but they definitely have some rules that I don’t like. Although we have come to an agreement and it’s working pretty well. If any person is looking for a phone or way to get one, I don’t suggest it unless you actually NEED one. I enjoy the ability to be able to text my parents and friend, and feel safer when alone, but phones can become an issue and an addiction. I’m very grateful for my parents and my phone, so please don’t assume otherwise 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Zaan_13
@braceletmk I agree w/ @GenMalucci and @GodLovesU, honestly enjoy the time without the need for social media/devices! My parents were a bit indifferent abt me joining diff platforms once I was safe online but nowadays it's such a necessity for some that I've seen it cause withdrawal in people when they can't access it (e.g the way fb and insta crashed on Monday). I deactivated my insta and my twitter bc after a while it genuinely drained me to see posts, especially when people are soo toxic and you're like how can you openly be such a terrible person lol. It also is super unsettling imo to see like 9 year olds doing tiktok dances and posting themselves up on the app (idek why tiktok feels the need to put that on my page ???)

Granted there are some perks, e.g. following educators / creatives / small businesses, but it is so easy to get sidetracked with everything else like influencer culture. If you can really keep your sm platforms for specific content then it's fine but those apps are just nott programmed for that kinda stuff
It is good for keeping in touch with friends but you'd be surprised how many ppl will honestly stop talking to you if you don't have a streak on snapchat 😂 which aren't the kind of ppl you really want to be close with anyway if your friendship depends on something so fickle

It's probably a bit harder to appreciate lack of social media as you've never really had it, but coming from someone who spent most of her teens mindlessly scrolling, I miss it wayyy less than I expected, and when I do use some apps I try to limit my time and not get back into the mindlessness. Also when you're in high school and beyond you're gonna be in so many group chats for projects and whatnot it'll make up for all this lost time 😉 Having a phone is good for being easily reachable / safety like everyone else mentioned but otherwise you really don't wanna become fully dependent on one so early on! So take it in stride 😇
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Zaan_13
@RE the actual forum topic lol, my parents were pretty strict w me when I was in high school but it was bc where I live is super unsafe so I never really got to go out. I got all my freedom when I went abroad for uni and lived alone but the saying that "strict parents make good liars" is extremely true
Funny story for u though there was this one time when I was abt 14 though and some guy from my high school messaged me and was like "I'm in love with you" (I defo was not in love with him) and my mom saw it and got mad at ME even though I didn't do/say anything!! that apparently "broke her trust" for abt a few years 😂 Even though my parents can be overdramatic like that I'm kinda grateful for the protectiveness, and I was extremely grateful/lowkey shocked they gave me freedom for uni. But now I'm home again and stuck inside my house like rapunzel 😂 I don't mind it though!