how to convince parents to let me get another piercing
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by nev_m_07
I’ve been wanting a second piercing for a while now, but my parents keep saying “let’s think about it”. I’ve been asking for years now and they keep saying “wait till youre a bit older”. It’s been like 3 years now and they still haven’t said yes. Does anyone know how I can convince them to let me do it? If you have any tips, pls lmk (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by GenMalucci
I convinced my mom to let me, but I have to work for it, make sure you leave earrings in, so they see that you’ll actually use the piercing. Maybe ask again as a Christmas gift and bring it up that you’ve been asking for years.
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Zaan_13
I think since it's been so many years that should hopefully boost your case. You can explain to them that you've done your research with getting a piercing / the aftercare (especially after all these years), and that it won't get in the way of school/extra curriculars. And u can convince them to let u get it done for a bday/Christmas or if you do well in school! Good luck 😃
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by nev_m_07
@GenMalucci thanks for the advice (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by nev_m_07
@Zaan_13 I could try convincing them to let me do it as a reward for my good grades, but I’ve always gotten good grades so idk if that’s going to convince them… but I will definitely tell them that I’ve done my research and maybe that will help! (;
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by nev_m_07
* (:
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Zaan_13
True, but it's good that you're keeping your grades up! Maybe also reassure them that a 2nd piercing won't be a gateway to a ton of others anytime soon haha. I've basically given my parents a promise to no facial piercings so they were fine when I got a bunch on my ears over time 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by nev_m_07
@Zaan_13 yeah I'll probably only pierce my ears because I'm too scared to pierce anything else haha
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by Vivi07
ummmm well i got my first piercing when i was 10, nearly 11. then the summer i was 12, nearly 13, my mum said “hey dont second piercings look so cool!” and then i was like “yeah” and then she said “do you wanna get one?” and i said “now???” and she said yes so i went and got it. then this summer in august (13, nearly 14) i got a third piercing on the lobe and a helix, same as my mum has. i mean my parents are pretty lenient with piercings, because we personally quite like the look of having a fee small ones (but too many looks weird) and think that they look pretty cool. i am the only person in my year with the amount that i have now, because i know a lot of parents are quite strict about ot and say they have to wait till they’re 16. maybe just take it slowly? i probably wasnt much help but good luck!!