Guys... I'm leaving again
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by jansport
To the kind folk of Bracelet Book:
Some of you may have noticed that recently I took a hiatus from the website for about four to five months. By this I mean I did not use the site at all. I'm back on now and have produced one or two patterns, but I'm about to leave again for a much longer period of time. I don't know how long I'll be gone, just that I will not have access to my account. I'll still be making bracelets with the thread I already have but I will not be an active member of the Bracelet Book community. The reason is personal and not something I'd like to share with the whole site, but if anyone has any questions for me I'm happy to explain in DMs.
Thank you guys for being so understanding.
- Jansport
Bracelet King
3 years, 3 months ago by crafter83
I hope everything is okay ❤️