How do you get over being dumped?
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by weirdkiddo
I got dumped today. How do I get over it? I need the pain to stop.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by senor
well first things first, u don’t have to “get over it” in a certain amount of time. it’s okay—even good—for you to be aware of these feelings bc then u can continue ur journey to acceptance. and bro i’m really sorry. that sucks so much. i’d say self care is really good. take the energy that you would for ur s.o. and give that to urself. give urself time and space to be able to let it settle in, but don’t allow this to stop your life. it’s okay to take a break. go get urself some ice cream or something. watch a movie.
3 years, 4 months ago by Lavander
Spend time with your friends. Don’t let yourself sit around in your own sadness. Go bowling or roller skating. Maybe go swimming! Just hang out and do something fun. That’s what helped me most when I got broken up with
3 years, 4 months ago by vialstan12
i also just got dumped, but i'm not that upset about it bc it was a toxic relationship lmao but last year how i got over my other ex was
1) letting myself be sad
2) letting myself live in the past for a little bit
3) pouring myself into my schoolwork/work work
4) and eventually one day i was just over it !
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Zaan_13
I'm so sorry you're going through a breakup rn, here are some things that I did / do to get over my last breakup:
let yourself be sad, like everyone before me said, it's important to accept the feelings no matter how much it hurts now
avoid things that you've associated w your rship, e.g. specific songs/shows - maybe in the future you can rewrite those memories with new ones!
clear your devices of any pics/messages with them, if you don't want to delete things right away you can also move everything to a folder that you won't come across easily
mute / delete them from social media
even when you're feeling down, don't let it consume you - enjoy time with your friends/family as much as you can
find new hobbies or get more involved with your current ones and keep active
enjoy your alone time - lots of self care with the things you enjoy
if you've ever wanted to reinvent your style now's the chance! Like a new era

breakups suck and it takes time to readjust to not having this person in your life anymore. Getting over it atm will seem like it takes ages but when you finally do, the whole thing will feel like a super distant memory
there's a whole big world out there and lots of time for you to enjoy it, focus on yourself and your growth and all the other things in life that make you happy ❤️