i need some help… pls. page 3
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Yellowfang
Well that’s good!
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Godluvsu
Hey! I am so glad it’s improving for you and I really hope it stays this way. One thing, don’t let this excuse the things he has already done that are wrong. He might be acting nice because he realizes your on his back, and he doesn’t want to lose his job atm, but he could just as easily verbally abuse the next group of girls who don’t know about it already. It’s important that people know now… so if he does it again there is no acceptance. Not tryna scare you or anything, it’s just really important it doesn’t happen again for all your safety 🤗sounds like you reported it though so someone at least knows your concerns!! Y’all seem great at speaking up, I applaud you for your courage to stand up to him! Good luck!
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by nev_m_07
@Godluvsu yea if it starts happening again, I’m going to the athletics director. For now it seems like it’s getting better, but we’ll see soon enough if he’s really changed or if he’s just a really good actor….
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by knotnormal
You should talk to the coach, he is obviously being toxic, and that’s an issue, if you don’t feel comfortable talking directly to him then you could talk to your athletic director, there’s a fine line between tough love and being toxic, and he’s definitely crossed the line.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by nev_m_07
@GenMalucci @Yellowfang it went south. Like really fast. Yested
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by nev_m_07
*Yesterday, practice was supposed to run late because we’re learning a new routine for competition. So he was trying to teach us the stunts for the first part of the routine, and it was really confusing. But instead of teaching us how to do it, he left us to figure it out on our own. Then, he wanted us to do a full down, which is where we throw the flyer and she does a full twist before we catch her. It’s a pretty advanced stunt, and again, he didn’t teach it to us. We said that we didn’t know how to do it, and he was like “well you better figure it out”. So we went for it, and one of the girls under the stunt had the girl land on her shoulder. She said her whole arm felt numb. And instead of being remotely concerned, the coach rolled his eyes and then he was like “SEE! THIS IS WHY WE’LL NEVER WIN AT COMPS!”
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by nev_m_07
Then, one of the other coaches came over and we started figuring out positions for the beginning of the routine. We were struggling with timing and trying to figure everything out, and then he was like “JUST FIGURE IT OUT! LIKE ITS NOT THAT HARD!” We kept going for like 10 more mins and then he was like “That’s it! Practice is over. Goodbye!” And no one had anywhere to go bc practice was supposed to end at 7.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by GenMalucci
Woah, I’d bring that up to the principal or student counselor. They can’t just expect you to know something you’ve never done.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Yellowfang
Ok, go back to ur plan of talkin to people, that is not right
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by nev_m_07
@GenMalucci @Yellowfang so I, along with many other girls from the team, told the athletics director what’s been going on, and he’s not happy about it. Neither are my parents. They got on zoom with him and the coaches, and they talked for like 20-30 mins or so. I asked my parents what he (the bad coach) said, and all of it was a lie. Everything that he said was either backwards from what actually happened or completely untrue. He literally just lied to my parents’ faces. If there’s one thing I don’t like, it’s liars, and I’m absolutely furious that he had the nerve to lie to my parents like that. Anyway, practice for us has been cancelled until further notice, however they still want us at the game with the coaches, which I think is premature considering all of the pent up emotions that everyone has right now. I just woke up from a really bad dream and in that dream, I was at a football game, and at some point I just starting yelling everything to him that I had been venting out to my cheer friends and my parents over the past few days. I was so angry in my dream, and I didn’t even sound like myself. Then, later in that dream, my family and I were walking to our car which was parked in a parking garage and then all of a sudden, they all disappeared and my coach started chasing me through the garage. I read online that dreaming about yelling at someone like I did signifies that you most likely have pent up emotions such as anxiety and anger that need to be let out. I also read that dreaming about being chased means that you feel stuck in a negative position and/or that a person or problem is continually causing you to have negative emotions and/or mental health. In my case, all of those things are true. I have pent up emotions and I wish I could just let them out, but as soon as I vent, they just flood back in. And I do feel stuck with this coach, and all of the negativity from him just follows me around, and with the meeting yesterday, that negativity was in my house, which is my safe space.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by GenMalucci
Ah, well… hopefully the dreams will stop. If you need to let anger out, there is this “method” I’ve heard about, it started with a Holocaust survivor, where she wrote down 20 horrible words/things about the person who ruined her life, and then she said “but I forgive you.” It helps sort of just simmer down that anger, even if the problem isn’t solved. If the practices are canceled then the coach can’t yell at you or anything, I’d take this time to do something because your season was probably just cut short. However, looking on the bright side, you are no longer being yelled at, and this coach will hopefully learn that coaching a team isn’t supposed to be like that.
Bracelet King
3 years, 4 months ago by Yellowfang
I dot think you should go to the game. I think that coach is terrible and if they have another meeting, go in it as well so u can say ur part. Sweet dreams