School tips! HELLLPP
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Yellowfang
Ok, so I start school next Monday 😭😭😭😭 and I need some tips, BUT I can’t share my exact grade so, give me tips 8-12 please! Thank u!. OH and know that I’m dumb 😞 so please give tips for procrastinating as well if u can! Thanks in advance 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by crafter83
Just don’t procrastinate, it’s not pretty Take a five minute break after studying a few chapters for mid semester/ finals |
3 years, 5 months ago by OwObama
If you don't have a planner, get one. Marking the due dates of assignments in it can help you visualize how much time you have left to do things, and that will help with procrastination. I keep a planner as well as a separate small journal dedicated completely to To-Do lists, which helps me a ton w/ keeping track of all the things I need to get done. If there's a class that you're having trouble in, start taking notes. My preferred note taking method is just jotting down everything (EVERYTHING!! Even if you think you'll remember it anyways) in shorthand on a spare piece of paper, and then when I'm done w/ school for the day I take that notes sheet and copy it onto another paper, taking my time to make my handwriting neat and to make it organized and pretty. Writing things multiple times will help commit them to memory, and having organized notes is super helpful. Don't just shove papers into your backpack. It will not end well, you will lose stuff and teachers don't like grading crumpled papers. If you struggle with this, have a folder in your backpack for ALL spare papers you pick up in class, and then just put them in there. Whenever you have time later, take that folder out and then organize those papers into your binder. Speaking of binders, I hate them. I hate them so much, I lose papers or the holes get torn and it's super annoying. All of last year, I used something called an 'accordion folder', I'll drop an amazon link so you can see it, but it helped me out so much. I never lost papers, I was super organized, and it didn't take up that weird triangle-shaped space in my backpack so I had more room for other things. It didn't break like the binder loops tend to do, I only had to get one for the whole year and it held everything I needed. Link to that below but you can usually find them at Target or Office Depot. Get a big backpack. I know us girls in middle and highschool LOVE to get cute trendy backpacks, but genuinely you will be holding half of your stuff in your hands if your backpack isn't spacious. I know it's tempting to get a small cute one, but it will not help you in the long run and you'll have to buy a bigger bag down the line anyway. I've used the same sturdy big backpack for my whole highschool career (I'll be a senior this year), it takes weight like a champ and the straps are wide enough on my shoulders that my back doesn't hurt. If you're going into 8th-10th grade: don't date seniors. Don't do it. They don't think you're mature, they're being predatory. They know you're inexperienced and they are trying to prey on you. Dating juniors is pushing it, but for sure do not go for a senior. If you're a junior or a senior: Don't date lowerclassmen. You can be friends, that's fine, but don't date them bc that is so beyond weird. Have a small water bottle. Most schools have those water-refill stations and those are fine and dandy, but try not to drink out of the water fountains unless you absolutely have to. Especially in covid times, it's unsanitary. Also, have a granola bar in your bag or something, someday you'll forget your lunch and you'll want that snack in there. Keep a $5 bill in your bag for the same reason - you may forget your lunch and you should have that money just in case you need to buy one. Try to make at least one friend in every class, you may be absent one day and having someone to copy notes off of or explain a concept you missed is a lifesaver. Plus, it makes the class suck less. Have a phone charger in your bag, phones dying at school sucks. Also try to bring earbuds or something, you can listen to music at lunch or in between classes, and some teachers are chill w/ that during class too. I usually find a song that's the same length as the time we're given to get from class to class (we got 6 minutes last year so I chose a 5-6 minute long song) and I play it as soon as the bell rings. That way, I know how much time I have left to be out in the hallways without having to memorize the exact time schedule of each day. I hope these help, if I think of more I'll come back to this forum and drop those in as well. Good luck in school 🙂 |
Bracelet King
3 years, 5 months ago by Yellowfang
@OwObama ok gosh! Thanks for those tips, u pointed out some great things even i didn’t think about! That’s u so much! Like a can’t put into words how great full I am, and if u do have more, please say them!