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Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Puppy12345
Everyone who sees this tell spacebella she is beautiful (don't tag her tho) @Nobody @lucass_ @cake_cup @Firekeeper
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lucass_
bruh my man ur beautiful, the heck? inside and out, no one can tell you otherwise because we are all born beautiful. it’s just dumb people who think beauty has to be a certain standard that tell people they aren’t. and those people bouta feel my words, and ik that words hurt deeper than punches. but people who tell you that you’re not are straight up jealous cuz ur just that awesome and they can’t frickin mind their own business. ur beautiful and no one can say otherwise and say they’re tellin truth cuz they bein a straight up bald faced liar.