short lived crushes….
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by acv_foto95
tell me your stories about short lived crushes, whether their fictional or actual people irl. I need to rant to someone who isn’t my friends but, my short lived crush goes like this

basically there are four PE teachers in my school so we have PE with all four classes together my PE period happens to be 3/4 classes are the grade above me and then our class is the younger grade. Anyways i developed a crush on a guy that’s older and was crushing on him for like 2 classes (i only have PE once a week) and then i realized he was one of THOSE boys who is a try-hard in PE and he caught one of my very good kicks in kickball which was was very mad. at that point i realized this was dumb and that’s my short lived crush. Thanks for reading this and reply if you’d like!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lucass_
for about a week i had this really wack crush on percy jackson and i was like.... am i straight.... and then it was just gone and i was like wakk
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by 5torr
Once, there was this new guy on the school bus, very quiet and very cute and usually he was just sitting there and listening to music, absolutely not noticing me (or anyone or anything else). As I'm quite shy myself, I didn't dare to just walk up to him and say 'hi'. After a few weeks I decided that I really should do something to make sure he notices I'm there, so I started talking very loudly and exaggerated with my friends to make sure that he has no choice but noticing my existence. Long story made short, he turned to the guy next to him and said that this girl over there was really annoying. Lol, that was like a bucket of cold water right into my face, but I guess it deserved me right. At least, my crush was gone immediately and I had learned an important lesson for life and when I met that guy that is my bf now, I knew better.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by -Nobody-
Okay story time!
There was this kid that I knew. He was like popular and cute and stuff. As a typical kid starting the fifth grade I developed a lil crush on him. So anyways it was still the beginning of the year and I was running to my locker and slipped and fell right it front of him and hit my head. Him and his friends laughed at me then I got over him immediately. I should've learned my lesson when him and his friends were switching and trading gfs. 🤦‍♀️ Anyways long story short I got over him and then a while later I developed my first crush crush.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
Okay this wasn’t short, but it definitely wasn’t a big or real crush. (Well I thought it was.) I’ve talked about this in some forums on here. I thought he was a super nice guy, and we had a lot in common. The only reason I had this crush in the first place was because his mom would always talk about him. I know it sounds so stupid, I feel like an idiot just writing this. So for the first year of my knowing him, he acted like a nice guy. But when he got in high school, he acted like he was all that. I didn’t even notice how much of a jerk he was. He teased his friend about helping his girlfriend with something, and called him a simp. Like dude, he was just being a good boyfriend. Good luck getting a girlfriend someday! (Cause it won’t be me) Now I never see him, and have a crush on another guy who really is sweet. We stayed up all night talking at an all nighter, and we have been friends for years. I just never saw him in that way.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by juliannagh
@Nanna_Ozzy omg i remember talking to you about the all nighter (i was the one that messaged you SO MUCH that it probably took you 10 minutes to read no cap)
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by juliannagh
@lucass_ that’s great omg that’s rly funny i’m sorry i’m laughing but it’s not making fun of you
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Nanna_Ozzy
@juliannagh heyyy, how is it going with you and your crush? (You can pm me if you want)
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lucass_
@juliannagh nahhh bro it’s funny. for a second i was talkin to my brutha and i was like i might just be as gay as u-
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Heidiv
egh she was pretty and she and me were and still are good friend shes straight but i did come out to her 🙂