Creepy/Paranormal Experiences
3 years, 7 months ago by catgoddess
I can't think of anything lamo 😂
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lucass_
that’s awkward-
3 years, 7 months ago by catgoddess
@lucass_ Yeah, it is lAmO
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lucass_
oh wait no i got one
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lucass_
one time i was like eating something, a sandwich or smthg. i KNOW FOR SURE i put it down on the table and i went upstairs to grab smthg from my desk and then i came down and it was gone and i was like i swear i left it here and i searched everywhere downstairs and i was like wth it’s gone. and i was like maybe i finished it and didn’t remember and i went back upstairs to work on smthg on my desk AND IT WAS ON MY DESK AND I WAS SO SCARED. and mind u i was the only one in the house-
3 years, 7 months ago by catgoddess
@lucass just move. problem solved.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by amyers31
Recently I was at my desk doing schoolwork after dark and all of the sudden there was a flash of light in between me and the wall right in front of me and I looked up and a pencil from a cup on my desk suddenly fell on the floor. I was the only one awake in my house and it was super freaky!
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by lucass_
honestly. nothin like that has happened before but i don’t believe in ghosts and lol but like o_O i made a new sandwich after that
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by GenMalucci
Okay, so I ride down to the lake nearby my house quite often. At least once or twice a day. And it’s about three miles there and back, so not that far. I was riding back home the other day, and this guy was going the opposite way. So I tried to stay in the right side of the road. This guy switched into the wrong lane (for me it would be coming right at me. He was in (my) right hand lane when he nearly hit me) and sped up right at me. I rode into the neighbors grass so I wouldn’t get hit, but right after he passed me he switched back to the correct side of the road. By the time I had kind of gathered myself he was far enough away that I couldn’t read his plate number without my glasses which I left at home. So thankfully I didn’t get hit, but this guy could be doing the same thing to other people. So then today, I ventured back out to the lake on my bike to enjoy some knotting in the nice weather. I was about to cross the bridge that went over the lake when I saw the same guy who nearly hit me a couple days before. He slowed down a lot and just stared at me. So I road onto the pedestrian bridge and he drove off. I’m not sure if I should keep pepper spray with me or something.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by GenMalucci
And for reference, I ride my bike, and this guy has a bulky car. I have no chance of survival if I’m hit.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by PugCakePop
so I usually share a room with my sibling, but the other day I got to be alone the entire day, and i stayed awake really late reading, and after a few hours I heard this really prominent knocking sound from the door. I thought it was one of my family members but I checked and no one was there. I considered it coming from the walls but our walls are made of concrete so it has a really muted knocking sound whereas our wooden door has the knocking sound I heard. so yeah that creeped me out a bit but I'm kinda used to creepy things happening in the room I sleep in🤠
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by Chaty_Chun
So my grandma can see ghosts (like since she was a kid) and she was visiting us. She was staying in my room and she told us one morning that she saw a lady by my bookshelf. The next day i was a wake but couldnt move (sleep paralysis) and i felt someone/something touching my eyebrows. I told my grandma and she sad the ghost might’ve Ben a mother and she did that to her kids.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by janine09
I have a few, so I'll post them separately, but here's the first one:A few years ago at college, I was in my dorm taking a nap and my arm was hanging off the bed. I was half awake and I tried to turn over, but I couldn't move my arm. It was as if there was someone underneath my bed holding my arm down preventing me from lifting my arm up. It was really strong and I was trying really hard to move my arm and it really felt like someone had grabbed my arm from underneath me. Finally after a few minutes of freaking out and trying to move my arm, it felt like that person let go of my arm and with all that force my arm flew across my body and hit the wall next to my bed. I somehow went back to sleep and when I woke up, I thought it was all a dream, but then I looked at my hand, I had this giant bruise from hitting the wall. So to this day, I don't know if I had sleep paralysis and couldn't move my arm, or if there was actually someone holding my arm down preventing me from moving it. |
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by janine09
My next "experience" was when I went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC. I went on a class trip to DC and one of the stops we made was at the Holocaust Memorial Museum. Our teachers let us roam around and look at all the exhibits in the museum, which took a while cause it's a pretty big museum. I think it was the second or third floor there's a train car that Holocaust victims rode in to the camps that we could walk through and look at. From one of my classes I knew that some people had died in the train cars on the way to the camps since they literally packed the cars where there was no "wiggle" room. So when I walked in the car to look at what was in there, I suddenly felt this presence, as if someone was standing right next to me. I was the only one in the train car cause my friends where still looking at the other exhibit. I could feel more than one person in that car and suddenly I felt nauseous and light headed and there was this weird smell in the car. I got out of there really quick and found the nearest bench to sit down and rest. My friends walked through the train car after me and when they came by me, I asked them if they felt or smelled anything weird or out of the ordinary in the car. They told me no and asked me why. I told them what had happened to me and then we just all looked at each other lowkey freaked out and moved on to the next exhibit real quick.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by janine09
Okay, last "experience". So I was sleeping over at my grandparents house cause it saves me like 10 minutes on the commute to work. I had the whole house to myself cause my grandma was in the hospital and my grandpa had passed about 4 years ago. I was sitting down watching tv when all of a sudden I smelt my grandpa's aftershave. He always doused himself with it, so it was a smell I distinctly remember from my childhood. The smell was really faint at first and when I went to the bathroom, it became really strong right by the kitchen (which when I think about it now, he spent like 75% of his time in the kitchen, so it makes sense). The smell would just linger in that area, until one night I was watching tv and sitting on his chair and the smell got really strong right by the chair. I knew it was right behind me, like my grandpa was literally standing right behind the chair, and not only was the smell really strong, but I could feel someone right behind me. I was too scared to look behind, but when I saw the reflection in the tv, no one was there, and I knew my grandpa was there. I feel like this is supposed to be a really sweet "aww" moment cause you know he's watching over me and stuff, but to me it's more of a freak out moment when I wanted to run straight to bed and hide under my blanket and not come out until morning 😂.
Bracelet King
3 years, 7 months ago by ChaosZone
So one time when I was a little kid I opened up the cabinet to get my toothbrush cause I was going to go to bed, and I was about to put it in my mouth when I saw the literal hugest daddy long legs spider up in the corner. Like the biggest one I have EVER SEEN. One, I personally find spiders to be disgusting and creepy and they make me shiver (especially that kind) so seeing a huge one in front of my face freaked me out. Two, iT wAs In ThE LiTeRaL tOoThBrUsH cAbInEt So WhAt If It CrAwLeD wItH iTs EiGhT lOnG cReEpY LEgS aLL oVeR mY tOoThBrUsH? I for real have a huge fear of germs so like thinking about that made me sO sCaReD 😭 So yeah, there weren't any ghosts but it was pretty darn scary for me 😂 |
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by blahblah11
One time I fell asleep on the couch then woke up in my room (I’ve never sleep walked before or talked on my sleep, and my family members didn’t bring me in, and I don’t recall moving at all. And once I heard a breathing noise and like almost talking outside my window and it was a bit past 3am so I got scared, turned out it was just my cat snoring. And once I felt something gbresthing on my face but there was nothing there
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by blahblah11
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by 5torr
@GenMalucci What an idiot!
Bracelet King
3 years, 6 months ago by sprinklez
Well my pastor just told us abt this. Her friend called her and told her she wasn’t really spiritually involved in anything, but she decided to play with a ouija board as a game with her friends not realizing the consequences of it. So when she was done she put it in her closet yet it appeared on the table the next day. Same thing happened three days in a row. She put it away yet it appeared back on the table. So finally she drove it to the dumpster - it appeared onto the living room table again. So she was panicking at this point and called my pastor and said please help me. This is so scary and I never actually wanted to be involved with demons. So my pastor she started praying her tongues over the lady and casting spirits out of her house. It worked and the board never came back. Soo freaky though.